Chapter 13

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I didn't even realize that I had feelings for Charlie. I only became conscious of it when he kissed me... And I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot. The moment was perfect, until we were interrupted. Te'Aysha and Owen came running through the woods and saw us and we stopped. Owen turned on his heal and headed back toward the cabin without saying a word.

Te'Aysha murmured awkwardly, "we heard yelling and thought y'all needed help. I guess you don't need any help at all." She chuckled and started back toward the cabin as well. I can tell Charlie was looking at me but I knew I was blushing really bad so I wouldn't look at him. I hear him start laughing and then I finally look at him and I try to fight the smile I feel coming on. I cave in and start laughing with him.

I thought about it and was confused as to why Owen got out of eyesight so quickly. I guess that it was just awkward for him too.

"Lets get back." Charlie said to me. We walk back toward the cabin and I feel Charlie's fingers intertwine with mine as we walk back. It felt nice. Different then the past boyfriends that I've had. It was a good different.

"Where have you two been?" Dillion demanded when we got back.

"I was teaching Neyomi how to defend herself." Charlie says with his chin up.

"Well, glad to know you guys will be around here handy if we ever need you. You didn't even mention to any of us that you would be gone." Dillion practically spits.

I see Charlie tighten his jaw muscle and he releases my hand and it becomes a fist at his side, "my apologies. It won't happen again." He says tightly.

"It'd better not." Dillion says and walks away.

"I can't stand him." I say with a grimace on my face.

"Me neither." Charlie agrees shaking his head. "I'm going to see if James needs a hand with anything."

"Okay." I say. "I need to talk to him too so I'll come with you."

We find James inside the house. He's sitting on the couch with a can of fruit cocktail in his hand and he's tilting the can up like he's drinking it.

"James." Charlie starts.

"Ah, Charlie. Where have you been?" James asked.

"I've been helping Neyomi learn how to defend herself." Charlie explains. James stops drinking out of the can and looks at Charlie. "Really?" He had accusation in his eyes.

"Yeah." Charlie answers confused.

"I don't like dealing with liars. Do you, Charlie?" He tilts the can up again.

"No, sir. They anger me." Charlie says slowly.

"Then, I ask you again. Where have you been?" He looks into Charlie's eyes sternly and then flicks his gaze to me and back to Charlie.

"I just told you. I was teaching Neyomi how to defend herself." Charlie repeats.

James stands up from the couch. "Then why does your buddy come to me complaining about you two sneaking off into the woods to smooch?" He crosses his arms. He doesn't look angry, just confused.

"Owen?" Charlie asked shocked. James nods. Why would Owen to that?

"We did kiss, but that wasn't our intention. I really did teach her how to defend herself." Charlie was really embarrassed and he was looking at the ground while he said this. I was really embarrassed too.

James laughs a little, "it's alright. We don't restrict affection. I don't understand why Owen was so upset and came and tattletaled on you like a child though."

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