Chapter 16

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*Neyomi's POV*

I unwrap the bandana from around my forehead and wipe off the back of my neck to catch the perspiration gathering there. I'm hoeing the ground now with Emma. We are starting to plant crops behind the cabin where they will get sun all day. It's very hot out and I'm wishing I wasn't getting as much sun as I am.

"Hey, you can take a break of you need one." Emma tells me leaned up against her hoe looking me over. "You don't look too good." She states.

I shake my head, "I'm fine."

Charlie grabs the hoe from behind me, where did he come from?

"It's not an option, I'll take it from here." He smirks at me and he picks up where I left off. I give him a playful shove and he laughs with me. His laughter cuts off after a glance over my shoulder. I looked in the direction he was looking and all I saw was Owen looking through the window at us in the living room. He seemed to be squinting. Is it a scowl? It's hard to say. I decide to go inside and chat with him while I take a break.

"Hey, Owen. How's your ankle?" I ask as I walk in the door.

"It still hurts like hell, but thanks." He laughs.

I offer, "do you want me to get you anything?"

"Just some company, I'd like that!" He flashes me a smile. I haven't seen him smile in a while, I return the smile and sit in the recliner next to him. He has become a different person since we've been out here, actually.

"We've started planting some vegetables and stuff." I tell him.

"Yeah, I saw that. Looks like it's hard work." Owen tells me.

"It's not easy." I agree.

"If I could, I would help you." He tells me.

"Thanks." I say and give a small smile.

"Anything for you." He says in a very serious tone. I clear my throat awkwardly.

Penny comes into the house with a bouquet of dandelions in her grip. "Neyomi, could you please get me some water in a glass for these?" She asked sweetly.

"Of course, honey." I smile at her. I get up and walk out to the water pump with a glass from the kitchen. Penny is walking behind me talking about horses or something. I really try to listen, but the way Owen was talking to me stuck in my head.

Anything for you

The way he said it, made it seem like he was ready to take a bullet for me if one was to shoot at me in that moment. It was very intense. It weirded me out a little bit.

"Thank you!" Penny takes the glass from my hands after I filled it up and places the weeds gently in it. She carefully carries them back into the cabin.

Children see the beauty in things that adults would see as nothing but something that needs to be killed. Like those dandelions. Beautiful, yet they're weeds. Usually killed by spray. Never looked at as something beautiful.

*Dillion's POV*

I roll my eyes at Neyomi and Charlie. They're supposed to be working on planting crops but instead they're goofing off and flirting. I love my father, but he's an idiot for letting them join. We know nothing about them, and they're obviously not too serious about survival.

"They disgust me." I say to Tommy.

"Who?" He asked pushing his glasses up off the end of his nose and looks around, "Oh. Neyomi and Charlie?" He asked.

I nodded. He doesn't say anything.

"What do you think of them?" I asked. He doesn't agree to anything I say about them and I'm beginning to believe that he actually likes them.

"Well..." He hesitates.

"What?" I snort. "Have they fooled you into thinking they're the 'good folks'?"

"I think that they really are though." He says quietly.

I roll my eyes, "whatever."

He clears his throat, "Y'know, you didn't act like this before Annie died."

My heart leapt to my throat. Did he really just say that? Not only that, he never says anything out of the way.

I was taken back by it, "well, her death opened up my eyes." I explain.

"No, you've put a wall up. You're shutting everything out."

*Janet's POV*

"Phew." I lean over to catch my breath.

"Honey, go lay down. I'll get it from here." James tells me.

I don't argue because I really need to rest, the baby is making it harder on me everyday. I let James finish sharpening the sticks to put in the trench. I kiss his cheek and I get a drink of water and go into the house to lay down in bed for awhile. As soon as I lay down in the bed, the baby starts kicking me in the ribs. She, or he, does this every time I lie down.

I start thinking about Dillion and I'm so worried about him. Ever since our precious Annie passed away, he has become a different person. He used to be kind and generous and now, he's just stone cold. I know it's because he's hurting and doesn't want to get close to anyone from here on out. I wish he would at least try to enjoy the rest of his life.

*James' POV*

I stick the last stick in the trench. If any infected fall in it they will get stuck and hopefully won't crawl out before we find it and kill it. We've only had seven in the last few days we've been here. I'm hoping the boys and I can build a fence around the cabin, fifty square feet out. If everyone helps out, I think we might have a real chance of survival.

-Author's Note-

Hey guys, sorry for a crappy chapter, I know what I want to do in this book, but I'm having trouble getting there, if that makes sense. Do y'all like when I do the different POV's or should I just stick to doing Neyomi's? Please let me know. I'd like it to be as enjoyable as possible for y'all! If you liked it, please give it a rate. And I love feedback, it's all helpful. It lets me know if there are things I need to fix or if I'm doing good and I need to keep doing what I'm doing. Thank you so much for reading, it means so much. Love y'all! 😘

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