two - poison ari's story

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Ariana was completely obsessed with plants and botany from such a young age.

She was born knowing everything about the environment, and she was simply fascinated by it all. There was not one plant, or flower that she did not adore.

Her parents, whom she did not know, abandoned her in the streets of Gotham at birth.

They left her, naked as a new born baby, surrounded in a green field. They probably wanted to make her death look like an accident, if anyone was to ever find her, that was.

But that was the twist. Ari did not die.

In fact, she thrived.

She bonded with the plants that wrapped around her, almost protectively. Even if she hadn't noticed it at the time, she had created a semi-mystical connection to the plant world from them on. It was all through a force called 'the Green.' Ariana grew up well aware of what 'the Green' was and what it had taught her.

At the age of five, Ariana realised something unique about herself that she hadn't realised before.

She realised that she could use toxins from the plants that she grew up with and enter them into her own bloodstream. It made her feel powerful and if possible, even closer with nature.

She was immune to the pain that the toxins would usually cause to normal people.

It seemed crazy to anyone else when they met a small red haired girl who was an expert in botany and toxicology, her intelligence at the level of a genius.

It was even crazier when they realised that she could manipulate nature. That she could change nature to work with her.

Before she had the plants, Ariana never really had anyone who she could rely on or call family. That's why the plants were so sacred and special to her.

But one day, when Ariana was around the age of six, something happened... Something bad.

There was a man, a strange man, that the red haired girl had never seen before.

He had approached her when Ari was sat on the corner of a derelict street one night. The city of Gotham was almost completely asleep. It was dark and raining ever so lightly.

He was dressed in all black, a round hat placed on top of his middle length, dark hair. He was slim, tall and walked in an odd way. It was like the top half of his body hung completely over the bottom half, his legs.

He looked extremely creepy as he approached the young girl, who was all alone.

Well, to him, she was alone. Ariana thought otherwise, she had her plants.

"What's a small girl like you doing out here alone at this time?" He had asked, raising his head so Ariana was met with his wide, beady black eyes.

He looked in his 30's, maybe?

He wore a sly smirk on his face that sent unpleasant chills through Ariana's body as she ran her pale fingers along the ground where she was sat.

An invisible force seemed to join Ariana to the cracks within the pavements. Small, green vines rose up from the cracks and met her fingers, wrapping around them gently.

"Where's your family?" The man asked again, stepping forwards slowly, towering over Ariana intimidatingly.

The small girl never broke eye contact with the man, no longer scared anymore. Her plants would protect her.

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