I'm Sorry

10 1 0

I'm so sorry

For the way I act

The way I twitch my fingers

The way I always say the wrong thing

I can never be interesting

Unless I'm really tired.

Or in a really good mood

Which is rare

I'm so sorry you have to deal with me

I wish I wasn't a burden

I wish I was somewhat normal

I wish I could make friends

I wish it all came easy

Like those groups you see in the hall

Laughing and making memories

While all you can do is sit in the back

And beat yourself up

Why can't I make friends like that.

Why can't I just walk up to people and say

"Hi I'm Ally what's your name?"

Boom friends.

I wish it was like sims.

I could just use a cheat to make people like me.

I could just have friends instantly

That would be awesome

But no.

I'm stuck an introvert in an extroverts world.


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