A Letter From The Past

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      1888 , this was the year when the mysterious "Jack The Ripper" , killing women in London , due to mysterious motives and abnormality , he became known as "The Terror of our Times" in criminal history. But what's important in here , is back in Liverpool , in Hugh Hudson Academy playing pitch , there was what it seems to be an important game of Rugby being played , and we hear the announcer :
-And the star of Hugh Hudson Academy took the ball !!!
   He was , well build , handsome looking , brown hair and had what it looks like a star shaped birthmark on the back o his neck .
-And he screams as he charges for the goal , our star Jonathan Joestar !!!  His last game before graduation ! Will he crown it with a victory ?
  -And another player tackling Jonathan ! But he's not falling !!! He's dragging him along ! And another two players got him !!! Now they're three holding him up and he keeps dragging them ! He's Like a train !!!! And a fourth player joined in !!!!
-Uooohhhhh !!! Dio ! said Jonathan as he passed the ball to his left . and another tall well built man , Blonde and with 3 moles in his left ear receives the ball .
-The pass is through ! Said the announcer, and its ... Our other star Dio Brando !!! Will he get through ! And he's doing a Solo Run ! Magnificent !!! And a touchdown and scores !!! And they win the game !!!

    As the team was celebrating their victory , they carried over Jonathan and Dio who for some reasons are now getting along well :
-JoJo , we did it , our combo decided the game again ! Said Dio
-and Jonathan replied : yes , with teamwork , and your running was great !
-yes but if it wasn't for you dragging 4 players and then passing me the ball I would have never scored ! Anyways , we have to announce our victory to father immediately ! Wait for me after changing .
-okay ...... And that moment Jonathan took a deep breath and thought *now he's calling him father instead of Mr.Joestar ? Seven years have passed... And I still don't feel any friendship for Dio , even though he's been acting all nice for the past 7 years , I still doubt that he is because of what he did to Danny and Erina !*
  Meanwhile Dio was getting interviewed
-Dio ! Do you have anything for us to print in the school paper about your friendship and teamwork with Jonathan ?
-replied Dio : friendship ? Well we're more like brother !
*friendship ? Don't make me laugh you piece if trash ! We'll soon graduate , and I'm finally at a legal age to gain the fortune and use it as I wish ! I just have to apply my plans!* thought Dio.

   And so they went back home , to tell their I'll and old father about their victory , George Joestar laying on his bed coughing , Dio asked
-Are you okay father ?
-oh yes , I'm fine I just can't stop coughing , just the doctor wanted to hospitalize me .
-oh no father , hospitals are no good ! They just do that for the profit ! Said Dio , and JoJo gave him this stare wondering why he said so .
-Don't worry , I decline , I feel more at ease in my own home , by the way, JoJo and Dio congratulations on your victory !
-both said : Huh ? How did you know ?
-a friend of mine told me about it
-but dad ! We came here as fast as possible to inform you ourselves
-oh well , I am lucky so have suck wonderful sons, Dio you worked hard , so do as you please after you graduate , I won't stop helping you since you're also part of the family .
-Thank you for helping a graduate like me , I feel honored.
   Later that night , Jonathan was doing some research in the Joestars Mansion library, apparently he was doing experiments on the stone mask that his dad bought years ago. JoJo poked his finger with a knife and dropped a blood drop on it , an claws came out from the mask
-No one aside from me knows about this secret of this mask , I discovered it 7 years ago when I had a fight with Dio... Apparently whenever I touch blood claws come out from it , makes me wonder why they made this mask ? What's the purpose ? I hope I make a sensation when I solve the secrets of this mask .
  While searching for more books in the library, a small chest fell into the ground, so he got down to pick it up and what's inside , and he noticed between the books that were inside an old letter , to his father from someone called Dario Brando , Duo's father , out of curiosity he opened it and was shocked from what it says ... Meanwhile Dio was doing the old servant a favor and decided to take the medicine to his father instead of the old servant , and on his way in the stairs , carrying the plate that has a water cup and the medicine, Dio switched the medicine with another one and stumbled up on Jonathan, and a moment of silence Jonathan asked what did Dio do to the medicine , no words, JoJo pulled out Dario's letter:
-This is the letter that your father sent to mine 7 years ago, and apparently it says your dad illness symptoms, unknown illness , chest hurting him , fingers swelling, coughing a lot, they're the same symptoms as my father, what's the meaning of this Dio! Did you murder your own father? And you're trying to do the same by poisoning my father to take the fortune ?
-What the hell are you talking about? Said Dio, the letter from 7 years ago? Give me a look!
-Answer me! Do you always carry medicine to my father?
-yes, and he might have the same symptoms as my own father... So what?
-I'll have to investigate that medicine!
    Jonathan tried to take the medicine but Dio grabbed his hand stopping him, but he managed to take it.
-Dio! If you're trying to claim that you're innocent, swear on the honor of your true father, if you do so I'll put this medicine back and act as if nothing happened, Do it ! Swear on his honor!
-Dio replied with anger: swear on his honor! A piece of filth like him has no honor!
  Dio punched Jonathan to his face and tried pushing his thumb into his eye, but JoJo grabbed Dios arm and pushed him the stairs
-I knew it that there was something suspicious about you Dio ! There was never any friendship between us! I'll take this to be analyzed and you'll be sent to jail after!
    As Dio was trying to get up and servants trying to help him stand up telling them that he just slipped on the stairs, thinking about what Jonathan said *Swearing on my father honor? All he did was drinking booze and making my mom work hard to the point were she died, and forced me to sell her dress so I can buy him more alcohol, so I put oriental poison in his drinks, heh , its not easy to analyze an oriental poison, it will take him a while and it would be enough to get rid of him, but darn the more you harm him the stronger he gets* .
     The day after Jonathan told his father that he'll be going to London for 2 to 3 days, and not accept medicine except from Doctors and not ask him why he's going but it was just necessary, and George trusted his son so he let him go, as he left on a carriage, Dio was watching him from his window, and took his chance and went to Jonathan's room, and opened the desk drawer, it had that Stone Mask and some papers and books showing notes and illustrations about this mask and what it does

     The day after Jonathan told his father that he'll be going to London for 2 to 3 days, and not accept medicine except from Doctors and not ask him why he's going but it was just necessary, and George trusted his son so he let him go, as he lef...

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So Dio poked his finger with a knife and dropped blood on it, activating it, claws coming out from its back.
-So, its like an old torturing machine? That's what he's been studying? He thinks that he's the only one that knows about this but I also noticed it 7 years ago when he was hitting me, I can't kill him with a knife or a gun, I would be suspected that way... But if I used this mask everyone is going to think that he died while doing his research, that if he came back alive from London, I've been raised in its slums and I know that someone like him isn't going to survive, especially from where I got this poison.

 But if I used this mask everyone is going to think that he died while doing his research, that if he came back alive from London, I've been raised in its slums and I know that someone like him isn't going to survive, especially from where I got t...

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