Transcend Humanity

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        Jonathan's carriage reached an area called Ogre Street, the coachman stopped and refused to go any further because of how dangerous that place is, but Jonathan decided to continue foot, saying he'll do anything to protect his father no matter how much the coachman warned him, in fact he was going to ogre street because he discovered that its an oriental poison and heard that there's a high chance to find someone selling oriental poison in this place in London, it was a very eerie and scary place , the moment jonathan passed throught ogre street gates, something came out of the snow, and it was a cat carrying a bleeding puppy in its mouth, that scared Jonathan a lot, what is this weird place? 
       As he stepped even more, he noticed 3 thugs from far running towards him, a very tall guy with his face covered in tattos and a short chinese man and in the middle this blonde guy with long hair and boulder hat, Jonathan took a breath and waited for them to get closer, the tatto guy pulled a knife and tried stabbing Jonathan with but he grabbed it with his bare hand and said that he's not afraid of losing an arm or a leg to fullfil what he wants, then the chinese guy came with a flying kung fu kick, but it got blocked by JoJo and knocked him down, noticed he's Chinese, he tried asking him if there's someone that sells Oriental poisons in here, after knocking both the chinese man and the tatto guy, and so JoJo was left face to face with the guy with the bowler hat, he tried asking him to stop and that he's looking for someone that sells oriental poison, the thug didn't want to listen and removed his hat brim revealing hidden razor blades there and threw it like some sort of a boomerang, so Jonathan blocked it with his wrists and came running towards that thug and delivered a kick to his face, that moment more gang members from Ogre street showed up, with scythes, swords, torches and other weapons, as Jonathan prepared himself to face them, someone yelled
-If you touch that man, I Speedwagon will never forgive any of you !
     It was the guy with that bowler hat, everyone did follow his orders, he stood up and walked towards Jonathan asking him why , why he didn't use much force on them even though they tried to murder him and why he's here, his reply was that he's here for the sake of his own father, and the reason why he didn't use force is because he thought he must also have other family members and he didn't want to sadden them by hurting him, Speedwagon was moved by Jonathan wordsand asked him what's his name, replying Jonathan Joestar, Speedwagon decided to help him since he knows a guy selling oriental poison in Ogre Street, and so they went to his store...
         Meanwhile in Liverpool, it was a cold and dark outside and Dio was wandering around the town alone, drinking and complaining that he's gradually becoming like his filthy father then he bumped into 2 men and one of them wanted to start a fight with Dio just because he bumped into him, Dio ignored him until he said :"Bah ! You should bring your mother with you when you go outside!", He smashed his beer bottle on that man face, and thought its a great chance to test out the mask since that guy face was bleeding, so he dodged and put that mask on the second guy face and with blood from the other he activated it, claws came out and pierced the back of his head and the mask started glowing with this bright and shiny light, but then it went out and that guy just fell on the ground not moving at all, the mask killed him, Dio tried kicking him on the head to check and he was indeed dead, just as he expected it was nothing but a mere execution tool built by the ancients, and so he continued walking away from this place but suddenly he felt this cold breath on his shoulder, he turned around and saw that the guy was standing behind him and the mask fell from his face, he looked different, had wrinkles and fangs and vertical sharp eye pupils, Dio took out a knife and tried to attack him, but it seemed that he didn't get hurt and punched Dio but missed him and hit the wall instead, and destroyed it, the punch was so strong that he broke his own arm bones and the force sent Dio flying until he hit a pole, he couldn't believe what he saw, what's this monster he's seeing, he's pretty sure that he's not a human anymore and it happened due to the mask, but because he hit that pole really hard he's feeling very weak and numb and can't move, that monster came and shoved his fingers in Dio's neck and started sucking blood slowly from him, the more blood he drains, the stronger he gets and more wrinkles disappear, and suddenly the sun started rising, Dio wished that the sun wasn't the last thing he see before he dies, But the sunlight... the monster started yelling in pain, he was burning due to sunlight and then he turned to ashes leaving his clothes only, leaving Dio panting...
-The sunlight... I'm saved... It can't be ! Is that what a Vampire is ?
      Back to Jonathan, who was already back from London to the Joestars mansion alongside the man that sells oriental poisons in London, waiting for Dio to come back home.
   Later that night, when Dio came back to the Mansion, struggling with his left arm Hurt, the main hall was dark, he tried calling for the butler, then someone light out a Lantern, it was Jonathan, and after a moment of silence, Dio with this weird face
-JoJo, so you finally came back from London...
-I got the antidote for my father.
  That made Dio stressed and start sweating
-Dio I feel let down... I won't say we were friends but it pains me to hand over someone who was raised as my brother to the police, you may not believe me, but I'm truly sorry...
   Dio sat down on a chair that was next to him, and regretfully said
-I understand, JoJo I know its selfish if me, but I have one last request... Will you give me time to surrender myself to the police? *damn I've never expected him to come back, I'll have to find a way to kill him now!* JoJo I regret everything I've done, being born so poor gave me these stupid ambitions, I want to atone myself! And he started crying ...
  -Don't believe him Mr.Joestar !!! He's lying !
-What ?!?
  It was Robert E.O Speedwagon, the guy that Jonathan met in Ogre Street, saying he followed Jonathan because he was worried about him
-Mr.Joestar, I lived in the slums of London and met all sorts of people, so I can tell a good from a bad person just by his smell! And this guy smells worse than a rotten Squid !!! We should turn him over to the police !
   Speedwagon dragged a very shirt Asian Person with him and showed him to Dio
-This guy! Weng Chan, you've seen him before haven't you! He's an oriental poison merchant in Ogre Street and he bears witness of your purchasing the poison!
   Dio was really shocked to see Weng Chan, proof that he's guilty, and what made it worse, the police showed up alongside old man George Joestar.
-Dio, I've heard it all! I've tried to raise you with as much love as my own son... Excuse me I'll go to my room to rest, I don't want to see my son get arrested...Dio saw himself cornered and decided to hand himself over, as George was leaving, Weng Chan decided to say something
-That man... He won't be caught .
  That caught George attention
-My fortune telling... That man with the 3 moles in his ear, not only clear from his birthmark there but also from his face, that he has the Devil Luck, far greater than what you expect...
    George then turned to Dio and saw something that shines from Dio's sleeve as he was stepping closer to Jonathan, he asked from JoJo to put Handcuffs on him for the sake of the Seven years they've been together in,but before he does he wanted to tell him one more thing :
-JoJo, there's a limit to Human ability, I've learned one thing in my short life... Is the harder you plan the less things will go accordingly to your plans as long as you can't go beyond humanity...
-What ? What do you mean by that ?
   Dio took out the knife from his sleeve and the stone mask from his coat and yelled: I REJECT MY HUMANITY JOJO ! I'LL TRANSCEND HUMANITY
    Jonathan was surprised to Dio having the stone mask, the cops chief gave the others the permission to shoot, and dio yelled : WITH YOUR BLOOD JOJO ! Stabbing what's in front of him, but it wasn't Jonathan, it was George, he came in between them at the last moment saving his son with his own body, Dio rubbed George blood on the mask activating it, and the Police shot him dead and he lost his balance and fell from the window behind him, falling outside. Everyone gather around Jonathan who was holding his injured father,his only remaining family member Speedwagon told them to get aid as fast as possible, but the knife hit a vital point, the police chief said with regret
-Damn it, its my fault from 20 years ago, that damn Dario Brando!
-Dario Brando? What happened? Asked Speedwagon.
-20 years ago, we arrested this thief who stole a marriage ring from George Joestar dead wife, and we took him to Dario Brando cell, Dio's father, Mr.Joestar told us that he saved him after the accident and told us to set him free and he didn't steal the ring but it was a reward, Dario that sneaky bastard, he probably stole it after the accident happened and not save Mr.Joestar, but George wasn't a fool, he adopted Dio knowing that its just his kind hard that wanted to help Dario change.
      Back to George as he was taking his last breath saying his last words to his son
-JoJo... Don't blame Dio, he must have felt unfair because I was your real father, please burry him near his father grave.
-Father... Please hang on! The doctors will be here soon...
-JoJo... Its not bad to die in the arms... Of your own son...
- FATHER !!!!!
-damn, such kindness, how can he speak well of Dio even of all what he did, now he's gone with his kindness!!! Said the police chief.
-No you're wrong! Replied Speedwagon... He may be dead, but a Gentleman soul will never die, his soul... Has been inherited by his own son, Jonathan Joestar! It will become his strong will, his pride and his future! Its a sad but a wonderful moment...  Speedwagon turned around to wipe his tears, because George words moved him, but he noticed from the window that Dio corpse is not there...
-GET AWAY FROM THAT WINDOW CHIEF!!! Yelled speedwagon.
   Before he even turn, an arm with claws showed up from behind and hit him on the back of his head, causing its upper part to fall off, killing him in the most horrible way, and someone jumped from that window into the mansion screeching in a cold way what it sounded like "Ureeyyyyyh" and it was Dio, alive but he looked really pale and had Fangs and vertical eyes, with the stone mask powers, Dio turned into a Vampire .

   Before he even turn, an arm with claws showed up from behind and hit him on the back of his head, causing its upper part to fall off, killing him in the most horrible way, and someone jumped from that window into the mansion screeching in a col...

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