Chapter Seven: Doctors Orders

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“Hello Stella, I’m Dr. Grant.” The strange man said.

I stayed silent, not saying a word to him. Did he know who what I was? What did Jamie tell him? I looked over to Jamie with a blank stare. Jamie looked at me with comforting eyes.

“You are probably wondering what is happening, do you remember what happen yourself?” Dr. Grant asked.

I just stared, not speaking.

“Well Miss Harlin, when you fell off of your horse you cut a very important vain in your wrist. You then fainted because of blood loss. You were very lucky to survive.” He explained.

I swung my head over to Jamie. “Where is Whisper?” I asked frantically.

“Don’t worry Stella, he is at my riding center now being taken care of.” Jamie replied smiling. “Whisper didn’t get any major injuries, and should be back to normal in a couple weeks.”

“Thanks Jamie.” I said with relief. I didn’t dare ask about Sugar.

“What is going to happen to me?” I asked the doctor.

“Well, you will have to stay in the hospital for another day or two until you are back to normal.” He stated. “Then you will be arranged to stay with the Martins. They agreed to foster you.”

“Foster?!” I shouted. “No! I belong out there, in my home!”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t.” Dr. Grant said calmly.

“Its okay Stella. You will be staying with my family, everything will be fine.” Jamie said comforting me. Which didnt make me feel better.

“What about Sugar? My horse is out there all alone, we need to go find her!” I protested.

“That will have to wait Miss Harlin, right now you should be resting.” Dr. Grant said.

“That horse is the only thing I have left!” I argued.

“Calm down Stella, we will find your horse-”

“I will not calm down! That horse was trained by my mom and I, Sugar means the world to me, and I dont want to find her dead being eaten by coyotes.“ I huffed then layed my head down.

“We understand Stella, you can go look for your horse once you get better.” Dr. Grant spoke smoothly.

“How long until I can leave?” I insisted.

“Lets give you 48 hours. We will run some tests, make sure you are relatively healthy and if you don't have any major illnesses. You can leave by Friday.” Dr. Grant said. “I will go over what will be planned out for you on Thursday.”

“Can I at least go outside?” I asked.

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