Chapter 9

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When I get out of the shower I grab the towel on the table and dry my body. Apparently not good enough because when I put back on my shorts and shirt my shirt was wet from water. I quickly put my hair in a ponytail missing a few strays that I end up tucking behind my ear. I pick up the tooth brush and run it under water for a few seconds and then put the paste on and brush away. After spitting blood out of my mouth for brushing to hard I walk out. I walk over to the bed I was sleeping in last night and sit with my legs crossed beneath me. Why is Hunter being so nice to me I'm apparently psycho and a crazy mess. Maybe what I did to get in here wasn't as bad as a lot of other peoples reasons. "Hey Maya I'll be back in a hour, I have to lock the door don't do anything stupid. Bye." He's out of the room before I have a chance to reply. I lay down as soon as I hear the lock click. Locked in. I sit around for what feels like hours before he walks back into the room. "I brought you lunch, you hungry?" I smile. When was the last time I've ever smiled? "Actually hunter, I really am. Thank you ." He sits the plate in front of me. It's weird. What is this stuff. This is different. What if it's poison just to kill me but to make it look like they are just trying to be nice. What the hell is this shit? "You act as if you've never seen pizza before." I look at him with a puzzled look screaming at him and he says "you've never ate pizza! Oh god eat it it's amazing! It's my favorite type of food" he smerks. "How do I know that this isn't poison and that I'm not going to die? Actually dieing wouldn't be that bad liveing in this place I'd like I'm dead in hell." My eyes flash down at my pizza then back to Hunter. "Do you think I want to pick your dead body up out of my room?" I pick the pizza up and smell it before putting it into my mouth. He was right this stuff really is amazing. I take bite after bite and finsh it really fast. "Damn I don't think I even eat that fast." I feel my face heat up and turn a un pleasant shade of red. "Ha, yeah.." "But that's okay. You know you don't act like everyone said you did." I look at him. "What? I've only ever had two guards why does everyone say they know how I act that's bullshit." He sighs. " I know I know. It's all hear and say. People can really be jerks." "You think?" I say sarcastically. "Well I'll be back later imma go run errands. I suggest you sleep you look like you haven't in weeks." I turn even reder before plopping my head down and burying myself in sheets. He locks the door behind him and I fall asleep minutes later.

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