The fire (MariChat)

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*Chat Noir's POV*

The flames roared as the sound of firetrucks filled the air alerting the town of the fire. I am swinging across the town with my staff making sure the town is safe and that everyone got out of the house fire.

Smoke filled the streets, I had to inhale the fumes from the burned building making sure everyone was safe.

After defeating Hawkmoth a few weeks ago, crime didn't happen as often. But there were still casualties such as earthquakes, fires, and volcanic eruptions. They were never bad, just slight damage and lots of aftershocks.

Today, today was different. This was the first time anybody was in real danger; a lot of people were running out of buildings as the fire spreads from off In the distance.

I place myself on top of the Eiffel tower looking out on Paris, checking for danger.

I can't say that I am completely depressed, but I have been very sad recently.

School ended last week and on the last day, I figured out ladybug's identity. I had no idea until an earthquake struck and I saw Marinette Dupain-Cheng chant out to a read creature; most likely her Kwami. Before she was surrounded by a bright red light and there stood Ladybug.

I can't believe I didn't figure out sooner, the same bluenette, the same bluebell eyes. I must be blind from not seeing that the shy girl that sat behind me in class spent her days as a superhero, my partner in crime.

Plagg had told me that he knew all along who Ladybug's identity was, but he was sworn to secrecy by Tikki; ladybug's Kwami. Tikki said that they wanted them to figure it out on their own.

Neither of the Kwami's were impressed on how I found out, they both suspected that we would of found out long ago when we defeated Hawkmoth.

Marinette doesn't know that I know her identity, Tikki wanted to respect her wishes of keeping it private until she feels ready to reveal her identity to her partner.

I haven't seen ladybug- Marinette while I was searching the town. I suspect she got out when the fire was young.

My day dreaming is soon interrupted by a loud crash and more screams fill the air, one purr-ticular scream catches my attention... it seems familiar.

It faints away before I can fully recognize who it came from, my eyes swirling around cautiously as I examine the victims getting away from somewhere I can't pinpoint.

My ears perk up as I head a recognizable bloodcurdling scream, no no please no!


Without thinking I ran as fast as I can, following the scream leading me toward her bakery covered in flames. "Princess?!" I shout, no response. I run into the bakery digested in flames in search of her, I try again.

"Marinette!" panic clearly rising in my voice, I should have known something wasn't right when I didn't see her. I wish I had been smarter!

Now, Marinette is in danger because of me. Maybe I am over-reacting, maybe she is completely fine. The scream could of not even been from her.


Now that was definitely sweet Marinette!

Her scream came from the second floor of the bakery, I use my staff to higher me up from the giant hole that formed from the flames.

I look around only to find Marinette crouching to the floor. Clutching her stomach.

Oh no, this is all my fault! She is injured because of me. I have to get her to safety.

"Marinette!" I scream running over to comfort her, hugging her tight in the process. My eyes widen at her stomach looking for point of compact, I soon find blood gushing at a burn on her side.

"Y-you're b-bleeding!" the thought itself brings tears to my eyes. I memorize her face, the features. Her sad smile as an attempt to make me feel better. Not missing the pain flashing across her face.

"C-chat..." her weak voice made my heart clench.

"It's too late... I need to tell you" she raised the hand that was clutching to stroke my cheek, a poor effort to comfort me.

No, she can't be dying no I won't believe it!

Poor innocent Marinette, she sat behind me in class. The way her cheeks turned pink at the sound of my voice.

"Don't go princess, please no!" a tear sliding down my face.

She wouldn't leave me, or Alya, she's strong! My thoughts scream at me, but I sit there unable to move.

"I -I love you. Thank you for everything, A-Adrien." her voice slows and her heartbeat slows.

S-she knows? She knows my identity? How did she find out? I was so careful. It doesn't matter, if I am being honest my true feelings I have always cared.

I take her hand in mine squeezing it in assurance.

"T-this can't be goodbye, I- I love you!" I yell to nobody but thin air.

"Don't worry... I will always be here..." she drops her hand, the smile on her face fades. The color in her face fades.

The fire roars around me but I don't focus on anything but her.

Just like that, her skin went cold. Her eyes moved from mine into the distance, my eyes widen as I call out her name with no response. My mouth runs dry at the sight in front of me.

Her smile.

Her laugh.

Her bluebell eyes.

The way she stuttered when she talked to me.

My Marinette.


My eyes shot open as I lay sprawled out on my bed, my body slick with sweat.


I look around my room.

'It was just a dream.'

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