Chapter Twenty: Dance (Adrienette)

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You're lying in your bed late at night, the events of today still playing in your head.

It was the annual winter ball was today and I went with Alya, I kept waiting for Adrien to ask me but he never did. I even dropped subtle hints about the dance to him, I guess he didn't catch on.

I didn't even want to go to the stupid ball but it was the last dance of the year and Alya wouldn't let me miss it.

It started off slowly but escalated quickly.

*flashback to earlier today*

"Come on Alya it's no big deal, it's just a dance" you sighed staring In disbelief as your auburn haired finishes the last touches on your makeup slowly moving her hips to the background music while lowly humming and singing the popular tune.

"...No, I don't need no conversation, baby just hold my body tight... and if you need an invitation... come on just dance with me tonight..."

"We're just girls and we're here to have some fun... baby now let's get it on and have some fun"

"Yeah let's have some funnn..." Alya sings along to the blasting hit playing on your Bluetooth speaker hanging in your room.

"Girl, it is a big deal. This is the last dance of the year, and you never know maybe you'll Adrien will save a dance for you..." she teases hopefully.

"Yeah sure, don't get your hopes up. You heard who he asked right?" you said slightly annoyed.

"eek, Chloe" Alya mumbled holding a blank disgusted stare.

"Whatever we're going to be late, let's go" you brush off Alya's comment and the thought of Adrien slow dancing with Chloe as she leans in, then he leans in, and then they ki...

You and Alya walk to the dance together admiring Alya's handwork and makeup skills, and your designs for the dresses you both are wearing.

You designed a beautiful knee long orange and white strapless dress for Alya. Floral patterns along the bottom and beautiful lace on the middle section where the waist meets the thighs finishing the look.

The design you picked for yourself was inspired by your alternate ego, Ladybug. It's a red ankle length silky smooth dress with black wrist length sleeves, and medium sized spots filling the red emptiness. Along with a black bow tied around the waist.

You both finish the touch with matching heals and golden anklets on the right ankle.

Entering the dance, you're suddenly overwhelmed with the amount of people and smallness of the school. Looking over at Alya to see she was missing, frantically looking around to spot her dancing with Nino as the DJ blasts 'This is gospel – Panic! At the disco'

Great, she abandoned me.

You suddenly spot a small familiar table filled with deserts from your father bakery and fruit punch in a crystal bowl and small glass cups.

You decided on going to grab a small glass just as you spot two familiar blondes walk in with linked arms.

Adrien and Chloe.

Plastering on a smile as they notice you, you wave as they make their way over to you still with linked arms.

"Hey Marinette" Adrien greats obviously not knowing your smile is fake.

"Hi.... Adrien" you mumble surprisingly without stuttering.

"Awe are you here all alone, poor Marinette" Chloe brags.

The song ends and 'Perfect – Ed Sheeran' starts playing.

Chloe squeals before looking at Adrien about to ask him to dance when her phone rings.

"Daddyyyyyy" Chloe groans before mumbling is heard, and Chloe's face drops "What, ugh fine I'll be right there" she mumbles.

"I got to go Adrikins, save me a dance" she frustrated mumbles before running off to somewhere in the distance leaving the dance behind.

Adrien stands there for a second processing what Chloe had just said before bobbing his head a tiny bit along to the music.

"Want to dance?" Adrien asks,

Not sure if you heard him correctly you open your jaw a bit trying to form words before Adrien drags you off on the dance floor putting your hands on his shoulders and his on your waist as you both rock back and forth to the music.

Unsure of what to say you stay silent and so does he.

"I actually wanted to invite you to the dance" Adrien breaks the silence.

"W-What?" you ask, unsure if you imagined what he just said,

"I was going to invite you but Chloe asked me and explained how if I didn't say yes she would have nobody to go with and that we have been friends forever" he explained.

Of course she did, ugh, Chloe. She obviously just guilt tripped him.

A moment of bravery strikes in you as the next words slide out of your mouth before you can stop them,

"I like you" you blurt out, your eyes open in shock and realization of what you had just said.

You avoid his eyes frantically looking around for a place to run off and hide to die.

"I like you too" he says.

Now you're not sure you heard him right, Adrien... likes me? Oh my god...

"What..." you ask making sure you heard him clearly.

"Yeah, you're a great friend and always there for me."

Oh. He likes me as a friend.

"Oh, yeah" you slowly laugh off the confusion, "We're great friends" I add trying to bury myself out of the grave I dug myself in.

The rest of the night goes uneventful, Chloe comes back and Adrien and her dance for a bit while everyone leaves.

Alya and you say your goodbyes as you both go to your own homes.

*Adrien's POV*

I throw myself on my bed as Plagg flies out of my bed hovering waiting for his daily cheese.

"God Plagg, I get so nervous around her... I think I've been friend-zoned"

Plagg sighs lying next to him realizing he's not going to get his cheese for a while.

Staring off to space till Adrien's about to drift off to sleep. He whispers the four words he means deep in his heart.

"I love you Marinette."

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