Misunderstood (Adrienette)

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I slipped in the door hoping Adrien had fallen asleep.  It was nearly 3 in the morning. I was tired and didn't want to come up with another lie.

A few years ago, Chat Noir and I defeated hawkmoth which gave me the courage to reveal my identity to Chat Noir which led to him revealing himself as Adrien, he admitted his feeling as did I.

We dated our last year of high school and managed to get scholarships to the same college allowing us to continue dating the full four years there.

That was a year ago.

I sneaked into the living room spotting all the lights off. I sighed heading toward the bedroom. Adrien was sitting at the edge of the bed, wide awake.

"What's your excuse this time?" he spit out, not bothering making eye contact with me.

"I don't have an excuse. Let me take a shower and I'll figure one out" I sighed, flipping out on the inside worried he had caught onto me. He didn't reply so I took his silence as his response and made my way to take a shower.

After my shower, I laid down under the bedding of the bed. He still didn't speak.

I decided to break the silence with a heavy sigh,

"I don't have an excuse, I'm just late again"

"Why don't you just tell me the truth"

"Truth?" I questioned

"Do you seriously think I am that dumb"

"No?" obvious confusion in my voice,

"You've been sneaking around for a month now and you don't even try to hide it anymore. Why don't you just tell me you're cheating"

"I'm what? I'm not cheating"

"Yes, because coming home at 3am almost every night trying to hide it, isn't cheating. You come home with dumb excuses, then just give up on it. What else am I supposed to think!?" I stayed quiet, I don't want to ruin anything.

"Whatever, I don't care. Just pack all your stuff in the morning and leave." He said walking out.

I cried myself to sleep most of that night, he never came back up which means he most likely slept in the guest bedroom. Does he not trust me? I can understand how it looks, but he didn't even try to talk to me.

The following morning, I did as he said. I don't want to get accused of anything again. I simply packed and stayed with my mum above the bakery. She didn't ask what happened, though I fear my splotchy face gave her an idea, but she chooses not to comment on it thankfully.


A week had passed since I had last seen him. I really miss him, every bone in my body aches knowing that I'm away from him. I haven't been able to sleep much. I went back to Nino's house helping Nino finish setting up for the last time.

"I'm positive he's going to love it, you have nothing to worry about" I smiled.

"Good, thank you so much for helping me with all of this. Do you think he is catching on with you leaving so late?" Nino asked,

"No, he's far from catching on, I can't make it till a bit later so you are going to have to have someone else bring him here."

"Will you come at all?" he breathed.

"Maybe." I smile weakly knowing I won't. I head back to my mom's, finally making it and heading up to my old room before throwing myself on the smallish bed.

I have been staring at the ceiling for what feels like hours, but have seemly been a few minutes.

Nino and I have been planning a surprise birthday party for Adrien. I had been helping him the past month. He wanted to make it special and I made sure to hide it from him the best I could.

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