Chapter One

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Things happen in life that lead you up to one point where you can either jump at the chance or shrink back into your little hidey-hole and wait for something to come to you.

In this particular opportunity, I reached out and pulled hard.

Maybe if I hadn't gone on a walk that day, things would be different.

Yet, I threw on sweats and a tee shirt and made my way down the sidewalk, earbuds in my ears, pace in time to the beat.

I walked a little, turned down a street, walked some more.

As I was walking, I looked down at my phone and checked the time.

As I was looking down, I ran into something like a total idiot.

Or... someone.

I fell back, dropping my phone and pulling my headphones out of my ears.

Before I could process what had happened, there was a dog literally licking my face.

I opened my eyes, only to be pulled up by a firm grip.

"Oh, shoot," he said. His voice was familiar. "I'm so sorry."

Ah! Once i saw the face, I put it together.

Toby Turner. My awkward, loud, crazy neighbor.

"It's, uh... it's fine, don't worry..." I half-say, half-mumble.

But this was just the beginning, after all.

Please don't follow me, please don't follow me... i thought to myself as I quickly thanked him and walked away.

I knew enough about him to know he was insane. He wore Heelys, for crying out loud.

If that doesn't scream "I'm a pedophile and I like to stalk little children in my free time" then I don't know what does.

But I knew he was 26 and lived three houses down the road from me. Go figure.

I tried to speed walk away, but considering I'm not very fast and he had wheels, he caught up.

"Come to my house." he demands, and i furrow my eyebrows at him.


"Come hang out. Chill. Play video games. Watch a movie. I don't know. Just come to my house."

I consider this request. this guy just bumped into me on the sidewalk, and then i got a relaxing face mask from his dog.

"But I don't even know you."

"Well how are we gonna be friends if we don't get to know each other, huh?"

I shrugged. He had a point, but did i even want to be this guy's friend?

Truthfully, no.

But how do you turn that down?

I mean, he ran straight into you, for Pete's sake. He probably feels guilty.

He stands there, expectant for an answer.

Do i go with him?





"Okay. Lead the way."

My name is Cassie, by the way.

I'm 25.

And i did not expect Toby Turner.

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