That Night

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I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried, so I got up and I went to Vincent's room and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling and the door opened in just moments, look like he had the same amount of luck.

"(y/n)? why are you up?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"I could ask you the same." I told him, smiling slightly. Then I sighed and looked up at him. "I couldn't sleep.. do you mind if I sleep with you?" I tentatively ask, he smiles slightly and nods, moving out of the way. I smiled slightly back and went inside, sitting on his bed. He closed the door and walked over, I noticed he was only in his trunks, which of course was purple... I just wasn't expecting the donuts and toast on them. I stifled a laugh and he blushed when he realized what I was laughing at.

"hey don't laugh! you came in here and asked to sleep with me!" He jokingly yelled, and I nodded, finally calming down. He sat on the bed and I looked at him in the little moonlight coming in from the window. I smiled sadly and he seemed to notice. "what's with that look?"

"oh, uh, nothing.. trust me.. ok?" he didn't seem to like the answer but didn't push it. 


"thanks..." I mumbled and leaned against him, he wrapped his arm around me and squeezed me, causing me to laugh a little. 

"now lets get some rest, we don't want to fall asleep and die during work." I nod and we both lay back, I rest my head on his shoulder as I fall asleep.


We walked into the office, the air stale and seemed to taunt me. I was determined to try and make sure both of us survived, but if it came to it, I would take the plunge.

Foxy came by 5 times... toy chica 8... toy bonnie 10... toy freddy 6... bonnie 12... chica 15.... freddy 20... mangle 16... golden 2... it was only 4 am. Our flashlight was on its last bar. bonnie took forever to leave, and puppet was almost out of the box by the time we wound it. I sighed in relief and shone the flashlight down the hall, freddy was there with his sinister smile. I could almost hear his words. 

"One has to die tonight" Echoed throughout my mind. I glanced at Vincent, who was yelling at toy bonnie in the vent. I looked at the time, five forty-five. He would survive if it was just him. I take a deep breath, put the flashlight and tablet down, and run down the hallway.

"(y/n)?!" Vincent yelled behind me, but I kept running, until I was face to face with freddy. He chuckled that dark chuckle, and everything went black as pain exploded through my head.

Vincent's POV

It all became clear. why she was upset earlier, why she's been acting differently. She knew she was going to die tonight, why hadn't she told me? I would've gladly taken her place. I watch in horror as freddy slams his metal fist on her head, knocking her out and cutting her a bit, I watched as a small pool of blood formed around her head as she laid on the ground, before freddy picked her up and turned away, taking her into the darkness with him. 

"(y/n)!" I scream as I go running in the dark. without her I have nothing. without her life means nothing. I need her. she can't die, she can't! I trip over something and as I land on the floor, my arms and legs hurt. I ignore it as I get up and start running again. I need to save her. I got to the parts and services room, but it was too late, she was already in a female spring bonnie suit.

"nice of you to join us." Freddy chuckled, his eyes black. I growled and lunged at me, but he hit me into the wall. "tsk, I wouldn't do that if you want a chance to save her." I glared up at him and wiped blood away from my mouth.

"What do you mean" I asked, slowly standing up since every inch of my body was in pain.

"if you're willing to take her place, then we'll let her go free. but there's no promise she'll like it, she did do this for you so far."  freddy smirked and I looked over at (y/n). 

"let her go first..." I croak out, he shakes his head. 

"not until you're in the suit."

"I want to say goodbye."

"you can when you're in the suit!" He said persistently. I looked at him, and narrowed my eyes.

"how do I know you'll let her go once i'm dead?" I can tell he's had enough. he lunges at me and I roll out of the way, quickly standing up, and getting my knife out of my pocket. He catches his balance and charges at me, I lift my knife up and I swing it into his head as he approaches. his eyes dull and lean forward, I pull my knife out and move out of the way as he falls to the ground. I heard a groan and my eyes fly to (y/n)'s body. 

"Vincent...? what're you doing here?" She mumbles as she tries to lift her hand up.

"No, don't!" but I was too late. Her screams echoed throughout the pizzeria as the springlocks snap and pierce into her skin, the crunching of bones has never sounded so dissatisfying. I watched with horror as blood pooled around her, her arm falling limply to her side, her eyes closing. "(y/n)! (y/n) don't leave me!" I screamed as I crawled over to her. I hear people running in, the next thing I knew, I was being dragged away from her, as pg and Fritz carefully take the suit off her. 

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