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Vincent's POV

She was taken to the hospital. I sat beside her the entire time, waiting for her to wake up. I should've tried harder... it should've been be not her. I stared down at her, missing her bright (e/c) eyes, the way she would yell at me. The way she would tell me to eat better. I miss her. I love her, and I failed her. I let her get hurt. I rest my head on the side of her bed and close my eyes.

"please... come back to me..." I mumble "don't leave me here alone..." I soon fell asleep, my head on the side of her bed, and my hand gently holding hers.

Your POV

pain... all I feel at the moment is pain... darkness... i'm surrounded in darkness... I feel like i'm falling... I open my eyes slightly, but i'm standing. I look around to find myself on a sidewalk in town, Vincent's beside me.

"(y/n), are you ok?" I nod absentmindedly. How did we get here? the last thing I remembered was all that pain... springlocks digging into my skin, and tearing it apart, as the blood beneath came seeping out at alarming rates. I look at my skin, there were no scars, no marks. I could sense something was wrong...

"(y/n)..." I looked up at him, wondering what was going on. He was about to say something else when I interrupted him.

"where am I?" I asked, he looked confused as he looked down at me.

"we're in town of course."

"that's not what I meant. where am I." He just continued to look down at me confused. "the last thing I remember was the female springtrap suit. now i'm here." He smiled slightly and bent down to be eye level with me.

"you're a smart one..." he mumbled, running his fingers through my hair. "its time to wake up..."

"what?" He grabbed me by the shoulders and held me close to him, burying his face in my shoulder as he held back tears.

"please... come back to me..." he mumbled "don't leave me here alone..."

"Vincent what do you mean..?" He stood up, smiled slightly and started walking away, darkness trailing behind him. "Vincent? Vincent!"

I gasped as florescent lights filled my vision and blinded me. I could hear the beeping of machines, voices in the hallway, and footsteps walking to and fro. I felt a slight squeeze on my right hand, and I looked over to see Vincent, fast asleep. I smiled slightly. 

"Vincent..." I quietly called. he shifted slightly but didn't wake up. "Vincent." I called louder, he still didn't wake up. "Vincent the house is on fire and i'm trapped inside!" I yelled, not too loud to alert passing nurses and doctors. Vincent shot straight up.

"i'll save.. you... hey you lied." I raised an eyebrow until his face filled with excitement. "you're awake!" he hugged me, causing a lot of pain.

"ow! ow! oooww!" I howled and he quickly let go.

"i'm so sorry! I forgot that you.. and.. yea..." he stammered and I smiled slightly.

"its fine... you got excited... and now, I can recover, with you by my side." I smiled at him, and he visibly calmed down.

Over a serious of months, I slowly recovered. I was able to walk, I was able to talk easier. It was like nothing ever happened. We smiled at each other, as we walked down an oddly familiar sidewalk. 

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