chapter 14 - Older and Far Away

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One upside to everything that was going on lately, was that I was starting to feel more alive and more in touch with my emotions again.

Dawn, Mom and I were at home. 

Mom was packing her work bag, while I was putting weapons into my duffle.

Mom sighed, looking at Dawn. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Dawn told us.

"No, we're gonna sit down and have a real dinner," Mom told us. "Someday. I hate having to run out in the middle. It's just, you know, my job at the hospital with the victims of Sunnydale is an all-time job."

"No kidding," I told her. "There's this thing out there, that Buffy needs help with. Definitely non-vampire."

Dawn smiled. "I understand." Mom and I were getting ready to leave, walking toward the door. Dawn walked toward us. "Zoey, maybe when you guys get back, we can set up for your party tomorrow."

"Yeah," I agreed. "Except Mom probably won't make it home until the morning, and I'll probably be gone a while. I--I wouldn't wait up." I pulled on my jacket. "Besides, Willow and Buffy promised to be on birthday patrol, so there's nothing left for us to do."

Mom smiled.

Dawn nodded. "Right."

"Okay, so finish dinner, homework, and don't stay up too late," Mom told her. "All right?"

"Okay," Dawn told us. 

"Okay," I told her.

Mom gave us each a hug, leaving to go to work, while I left to go help Buffy.


Buffy and I met up in the cemetery against a large, big and strong demon with red skin and a spiny crest on his head.

Buffy was holding a large ax with a metal handle. The demon lunged at us. I spun out of the way, while Buffy stabbed the demon with the ax. The demon slashed a large sword toward me. I ducked. The demon slashed the sword toward Buffy. Buffy blocked the move with her ax. The demon's sword bent the ax handle, pulling it out of Buffy's hand, making it fly off and land on the ground. The demon slashed toward me. I got hold of his sword arm, twisting it around behind his back, making him face Buffy. Buffy ran closer to jump up and try to kick him. The demon shimmered and disappeared, making Buffy kick me instead, both of us falling to the ground. 

I groaned in pain and annoyance. "Buffy!"

Buffy winced in regret. "Sorry."

We both stood, looking around in confusion. The demon reappeared. Buffy kicked him in the face, punching him, kicking him again, making him fall back. I twisted the sword out of his grasp, spinning closer to elbow him in the face, spinning away, slitting him with the sword, making him yell out in pain, stabbing him in the stomach, making blue light flash out in a circle from the wound, making the demon roar and grab his stomach in pain. I pulled the sword out. The demon kicked both Buffy and me over two headstones, making us fall and break the stones. 

The sword landed point-down on the ground.

We heard a whooshing sound that led us to believe that the demon had taken off.

Buffy and I stood.

"Run off, huh?" Buffy asked. "Afraid to face two true warriors?" I chuckled. Buffy picked the sword up. "Ooh, shiny." She twirled the sword around, using it to point at me. "You seem more in touch with emotions."

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