The Language of Mistynese (ch. one)

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Disclaimer - I'm too lazy to try and be creative about this. No, I don't own anything to do with the series, including plots or characters. I just take advantage of them.

Notes - Just a quick warning, this is a much more outdated fic of mine than I've tried posting on this site before. I wrote it in 2010 or so, the anime had only gotten to the DP saga, Dawn was the newest female protag... and a lot of that will be reflected loosely as you read.

Oh, also, there's some warning for. . . mature!Ash. Lol. I just wanted to put that out there in the open so nobody can come whining to me about how he isn't like himself.

This fic starts in Johto.


Author - Chibi / Warlordess

Title - "The Ancient Language of Mistynese"

Summary - Ash learns the difference about boys and girls while trying to understand Misty better. And thanks to Brock of all people.


Part One


Brock said it had taken him most of his adolescent life to put together that stupid book. Well, that and the fact that it was sure to revolutionize male versus female relationships. Ash didn't understand it though. After all, Brock recollected using it to try and woo a girl before - of course with no such luck. Still, Ash was offered the godsend and he accepted it because he didn't know how to turn it down.

"I'm only letting you borrow it though. I'll need it back at some point, like when I find the woman of my dreams!" Brock sighed blissfully, crowing the most obvious two choices to come to mind first. "Oh, Officer Jenny! Oh, Nurse Joy. . . !" And then he wandered off to start on dinner.

At first Ash was skeptical. He leafed through the pages at random times, usually towards the end of the night when the fire was dying and everyone else was asleep and he was tempted to join them. He had never been a fan of books, really, with the exception of comics and magazines depicting the latest great battles between the Elite Four and their challengers.

He showed it to Pikachu too, trusting his buddy's opinion more than anyone else's. Then again, Pikachu couldn't understand Brock's handwriting (or any human's for that matter) unless it was a rare word that was familiar to him so Ash had to try and explain how girls were from a different universe than guys. This only made it worse, of course. The only girl Pikachu knew well was Misty. She was a perfect example in Ash's opinion, but Pikachu got along so well with her that he didn't see it like Ash did.

Without realizing it, he had decided to give Brock's guide a chance. And the time for it came so suddenly, he was almost too late.

"Geez, Ash, I can't believe you got us lost again!" Misty ranted, though she still deftly continued to follow him as he glanced back and forth between his map and the path (or lack thereof) before them. Brock sighed, knowing what was in store. Then he slowed down for a second, removed his sack from his shoulders, and located the first bottle of aspirin he could find, along with the canteen slung around his arm. "I swear, they need to designate somebody to mark these paths. We'll never get anywhere with you blindly leading us!"

"Really, Misty? 'Cause I remember the last time we let you hold the map, we ended up wandering around for almost three hours before you finally listened to Brock about us walking in a giant circle."

"Yeah, well," she broke off here for a moment, trying to figure out what she could say to that, "well that was because you wouldn't hold Togepi for me. She's really fussy when somebody doesn't pay her all of their attention, which I couldn't do because you guys wanted to get to the next town ASAP."

The Language of MistyneseWhere stories live. Discover now