Chapter 4

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Adrian's POV

I sat there, dazed, watching the petite brunette across from me while she  listened to her companion.

I can feel the boredom radiating off her because that's how I feel at this moment.
Not everyone can handle William's constant chatter. After all, he craves the attention as any other businessman, it's addictive I guess.

I looked at the girl. Lena Anderson. Her hazel eyes stared ahead, which made me question if she was ignoring us or she's just distant by nature.
Huh, so many questions and no answer.

I guess the feeling is mutual since I didn't want to participate in this conversation.

Suddenly, she stood up.
"Well, gentleman. Excuse me but I must be going for I have an urgent matter to take care of."

As if on cue, a girl whom I presume is one of the restaurant's staff came to assist her.
"This way, Miss."  She said, showing Lena the right way.

I don't know if it's just curiosity or something else, but deep down I wanted to get to know her.
I wanted to make her laugh and make that vacant look disappear from her beautiful doe eyes.


New character: Adrian Black.

Sorry for the long absence, I had to deal with exams and stress didn't help matters, it made it worse.
Now, that I am through with them I will be updating regularly (no particular day) so I hope you like how the story is going so far.

Vote. Comment .
Most importantly, ENJOY !!


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