Chapter 1

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Connie had only been at work for a few hours but the board meeting she had just attended seemed to have lasted forever.

She ran a hand across her brow before picking her things up and heading over to the door, finally able to escape. Before she even had the chance leave the room, a group of people had made their way over to her and were now engaging her in conversation despite her best efforts to leave. It was going to be a long day.

Despite not being remotely interested by what these people had to say, she put on her best fake smile and nodded her head from time to time, trying to give the impression that the people in front of her didn't bore her to death.

Of course, Hansen had seen straight through her act and kindly took the attention of his colleagues away from her. She dipped her head slightly in gratitude and then proceeded to leave the room.

She decided she wasn't doing anything else before she'd had a large cup of coffee. She'd had a busy week and there were no signs of it slowing down any time soon.

The thought of going back to her office and getting through the moutains of paperwork that awaited her gave her a headache.

As she made her way down the corridor towards her office, she overheard two junior doctors mention something about Jacob. She would have ignored it but something about the tone of their voices made her slow down and listen.

She didn't even know why she was listening in. After all, she wasn't even sure they were talking about Jacob Masters. It could have been anyone. And yet, even with that in mind, something stopped her from walking away.

She was slightly out of ear shot so she didn't catch the whole conversation but the next word she heard was enough for her to catch on to what they were saying. "Stabbed." He'd been stabbed.

What did they mean? How- What- She stood there for a moment, staring at the floor, trying to understand.

Despite not being as close to Jacob as she once was, her mind was suddenly filled with visions of him bleeding and lying there, helpless. She could feel her heartbeat accelerating inside her rib cage and suddenly she felt a little faint.

She thought back to Cal, to watching him dying on the bed in front of her surrounded by staff that were trying to save his life. Only this time it wasn't Cal, it was Jacob she pictured in her head.

And suddenly she was running. She was running down the corridor, towards the ED, her expensive heels clicking on the floor beneath her. Young doctors and nurses tried stopping her along the way, wanting her opinion on something or other but it didn't matter, she wasn't stopping.

She reached the stairs leading to her department and took them two by two, careful not to go over on her heels. Charlie spotted her and figured she'd heard.

"Charlie!" She shouted out as she rushed over to him. She didn't stop though, she carried on moving around the ED, looking for Jacob. "Where is he? Where's Jacob?"

Charlie gently grabbed her by the arms so that she'd stop for a minute. "Connie, you need to calm down!" He didn't know how much she'd heard but it couldn't have been that much judging by her reaction.

"He's in ICU but he's-" Before he could say anymore Connie had already freed herself from his grasp and made her way towards ICU. "He's fine," Charlie added, not that she was able to hear him. The older man shook his head and smiled to himself as he watched her disappear.

No matter what had gone on between Connie and Jacob, there was no denying the feelings that they had for one another were still there. Charlie saw them everyday. He didn't know exactly why they had broken up or what had happened between the pair of them but he noticed the little looks they unknowingly gave each other from time to time, no matter how subtle or innocent they were.

He had thought it was a shame when he had heard about their break up. They were so well matched and everyone could see that they brought out the best in each other. He knew Connie had been through a lot over the past year and that that probably had something to do with the end of their relationship but maybe it was time they sorted things out.

A/N: So this is the first chapter of my first ever fanfic... Please let me know what you think. Your opinions will be much appreciated!

I know it's quite short but I had to cut it here or it would have been too long!

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