Chapter 2

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As Connie rapidly made her way to ICU, so many thoughts crossed her mind, it was as though she had gone into overdrive. She couldn't help but think back to the last time Jacob had been in a hospital bed after he had been shot. She remembered having to be strong for him even though she had felt completely helpless.

She wondered what it would be like this time. Would he be awake? Would he be in pain? Would the sheets be covered in blood like they were before? Would he even want her there?

That last thought was the one that caused her to stop for a moment and think. Would he want her there? She couldn't help but think back to everything they had been through. All the things she had said to him in a moment of anger that she hadn't meant. All the times he had tried to help her only to be pushed away.

What had she done? What if she had pushed him too far this time. What if there was no going back? What if he was- No, she wouldn't allow herself to think the worst.

Suddenly she didn't care that he might not want her there. She was going in.

She pushed the door open, mentally prepared to see his weak body lying across the blood stained sheets. But what awaited her was not what she was expecting.

"Connie-" he said, pushing himself up slightly with his good arm as she walked over to him. His voice was a little groggy but that was to be expected. He sounded and looked surprised more than anything that Connie was visiting him. Due to the fact that they had hardly spoken a word to each other in months, he hadn't expected to see her.

She closed her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him. He was alright. She could still feel her heart beating at a fast speed but she could feel herself relax almost immediately. She had expected to find him unconscious with a team around him and yet there he was, sat up in bed, eyes open and fully aware of everything going on around him, which reminded her that she was staring at him without having said a word.

"You're okay," was all she could come up with. The relief hadn't quite worn off yet. She still couldn't believe she'd just ran from one side of the building to the other thinking she was never going to hear his voice again, only to find him sitting there as though nothing had happened.

Jacob frowned at her and then turned to look at his bandaged arm before replying. "I've got ten stitches here that say otherwise!" He joked.

Immediately regretting her thoughtless words, she tried to explain. "Oh, no. That's not- that's not what I meant. I mean, I thought... You're not-"

She could hear Jacob giggling and she didn't appreciate him mocking her. "Mrs B lost for words, that's a first!"

She stood and stared at him, speechless, wondering how he could possibly find it funny. She wasn't in the mood for his childish games and now that she knew he wasn't about to die anytime soon, she thought it best she left.

"Well if there's nothing wrong with you, there's no point in me being here. I have work to do." She was straight to the point, she didn't hold back and her words came out sounding harsh. She knew it wasn't his fault but she had already had a bad day and it wasn't even twelve yet.

Jacob felt like kicking himself. He hadn't meant to annoy her, he had just wanted to lighten the mood. The fact was, he didn't know how to be around her anymore. Nothing had been the same since he had broken up with her and it was as though they didn't know one another anymore.

He felt like an idiot as he watched her turn around to leave. He had done it again. He knew she didn't like opening up and revealing her emotions and he'd still driven her away. He thought about letting her go but then he thought back to the last time she had turned her back and walked away just after their argument in the car park, a couple months previous. He had wanted to say something then, to call her back but he hadn't. Not going after her was the biggest mistake he had ever made and it was happening all over again.

"Connie-" She stopped in front of the door and turned to him. She gave him the same cold, empty look she seemed to give everyone and pursed her lips. "Don't go." His voice was low but just loud enough for her to hear.

She looked down at the floor for a moment and put her hand on the door handle, ready to leave. "Please, Connie."

He didn't like to beg but he realized that if they didn't talk now, they might not have the chance again. He didn't want to leave things as they were, especially since she was the only person he had ever properly opened up to. He didn't want to lose her.

She looked through the door window and then back to Jacob which was a mistake. No matter how much she wanted to open the door, it was impossible to walk away from the look he was giving her.

A/N: That's all for this chapter. Hope you're enjoying it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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