Heartless Life

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Dolph was already walking out the door and ignored his sudden outburst as he took his leave.

"Yes, you are the one who set me in a high position, why are you surprised?"

"W-Well, after learning about the world I figured you might be the child of a mid-Shari, but I didn't expect it to go anywhere past that. In the first place it's depth..." Hakase paused. He was speaking about the way in which he had ruthlessly killed her. There was a certain cut to the heart that would have an impact to the soul. It could trick the soul into reading the experience in such a way that the next life given would be rewarded by a higher position.

This was one of the theories off of the beliefs of the pharaohs. But at this point, Hakase paused the talk of the gory and touchy subject and made his point in a roundabout way, "I made it so you would be given a certain high position, but it shouldn't be that high."

"That idea makes the soul read their past life as either good or bad, correct? It's possible that I simply had enough that it gave me a higher position."

"Yes, you are correct. It damages the heart, which is connected directly to the soul. Because harsh lives both mentally and physically put stress on the body it is shown in the heart like the year rings of a tree. Therefore by attacking your heart first I should have been able to allow your life to have been read as worse than it was. By doing this, the universe would seek it's balance to be retained by giving you a better position, of certain talents that would make your next life easier. But..."

Karam had already considered this. Better than anyone, even not being conscious when the Hakase sliced her up, she knew most of what he must have done to get her here. Because she already knew his thoughts, it was a simple task from there to determine what changed there might have been due to her previous life and if they had affected her at all. Or, further yet, any mistaken theories, and accidents during the process, or even things which they hadn't yet even considered.

"There are certain levels. I didn't piece the second valve, which means to get a position of such high authority you must have led a life with more tragedies than the average person."

At this point, Karam understood where this was going. She was quiet as he worked his way through it. She closed her eyes and laid back carefully, listening as he continued. SHe wanted to know how far her past life experiences would allow her to rise now.

"Wait, just how much higher is it? Princesses of this Kingdo..." Hakase looked over at Karam. "The New Hope."

Karam's name wasn't well known to the public, but her importance and stature was clear to anyone. Her appearance was probably world news.

Hakase's eyes were large as he stared at her. "Right after a war in a time of peace, with two legendary parents, said to be taught at young by the King's right hand, beauty and physical prowess, and... I don't even know the full extent of your life... Just what kind of Hell have you gone through..?"

Karam smiled slightly. Though she didn't respond with words, it was telling enough.

He found his mistake in her place in society. According to a certain theory they had researched, the heart is connected to the soul. According to a certain religion one's next life is determined by what they'd gone through in their past life Therefore, if one were to be given a bad life right off the bat, and try to make their way out of it, they would be rewarded and be given a better life in their next reincarnation. Considering these two are facts the life that Ishii must have had on earth must have been extraordinarily terrible.

Bracken, who had entered shortly after Dolph had left to keep an eye on the stranger, twitched. She wasn't comprehending the entire story but she had just heard his explanation and was able to at least understand that the great things she had were due to unspeakable horrors the princess had gone through.

"Does a single cut mean that much?" Karam spoke almost as if it had nothing to do with her.

Hakase was shell-shocked at how calm she was, "The heart has a direct connection to the soul, a slight bruising at the time of death could allow great physical traits in their next life. Because it had a direct effect on the heart, it wouldn't simply be above average but super human. Of course, that's if you follow the proper procedure..." Hakase thought back about the process he had killed her for the twenty millionth time in his two lives but he could find no mistake of his process in his memory. But if it was true it would make sense as to why Karam had fallen so readily into depression.

"This is simply a theory, isn't it?"

"B-But there are so few royals in this world your life would have had to have been as hard as royalty is rare and even than you, the New Ho-"

"Hakase," Karam stopped him with a stern tone that didn't match her age.

Bracken shivered.

"I can't say I've had a hard life. I've never starved, always had someone who loved me, I had proper education, friends, and family. I can only assume either your calculations... or the theory is incorrect."

She didn't seem to be lying, yet Hakase had a hard time believing her. Other than the stretching of the spiritual hole, everything else has already proved itself to move just as he had thought it would. Yet to make such a mistake on his first test subject... It was almost unthinkable for him to do himself. Despite this, he agreed. Karam had always been happy in her past life. There was no reason to doubt her. "Alright, I understand. I will adjust my theory." Hakase fell back onto his bottom and wiped again at the blood at his lip.

Hakase had had vast experiences with Karam in the past. It was rare for one of her ideas to be proven incorrect. Hakase had tried and failed many times to prove her wrong. In the end, it was always her win. Therefore he gave in easier than he would with anyone else. Because he trusted her.

He didn't know that this lie of hers would mark the beginning of a whole new 'Ishii'.

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