Controversy is dumb. Absolutely stupid. I don't get it. Who cares if you're gay? Why do you care about what videos games I play? What ever happened to tolerance?
All of it. It's dumb.
Especially the controversy around video games. There's all this talk about how violent games cause higher levels of aggression and lower levels of empathy, and it's true. But so does chess. And Monopoly. And every other competitive game you can think of.
That's how your brain works. And it's only temporary. No long lasting effects. So what's the problem? There isn't one.
Not only that, but everyone acts like kids should be getting 'unplugged' and reading a book. Have you read a book? Any books? Yeah, reading is awesome. I love reading, but think about what's in them.
In Romeo and Juliet, they both committed suicide.
In Sherlock Holmes, he does drugs.
In Oliver Twist, he's a pickpocket.And that's just the classics! With the unimaginable amount of... EVERYTHING in books, it's hard to not get exposed to anything.
I mean, there's danger in everything. It doesn't matter what you have your kid do, you can't protect them from every little thing that you don't agree with or don't want them to see. There's internet, for God's sake! They can Google whatever they want!
I can understand that some parents don't want their kids exposed to some of that stuff and that's cool. I don't have a problem with that, but don't force everyone else to have to deal with your Facebook rants.
Video games have been really hit hard with all of this idiocy in the past and I doubt that it'll stop anytime soon. It's affecting a lot of people who depend on videogames to live. To pay the bills. To eat.
Especially with all this crap with YouTube. All the small YouTubers are having a hard time living comfortably because they're next paycheck literally depends on the whining mothers of eight year old children. How morbid is that?
I'm honestly not a person who voices my opinion very often. Most times I don't take sides because that leads to drama and that leads to wasted time. I don't have time to waste when I have other crap I have to deal with.
But this is ludicrous. Controversy is dumb. So freaking dumb. It shouldn't go this far, and yet, it always does.What are your thoughts on video game controversy? What are your thoughts on controversy in general?
Tell me in the comments!
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