Part 8 - it's over?

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I woke up as I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable.

I lifted my head and saw I was in Jimin's 'VIP' room. I looked up and saw Jimin sleeping.

He looked so cute and soft. I slowly got up as I didn't want to wake him up.

I walked upstairs and went into the bathroom. I tied up my hair and brushed my teeth.

As I was brushing my teeth, I remembered what has happen yesterday...

Every little detail came flowing back into my mind.

It was so horrible but Jimin did make me feel better.

I honestly just wanted to forget everything and focus on my future and look for a new job.

I washed my face and decided to head downstairs to make breakfast for Jimin and I,

I opened the fridge door and looked inside.

There wasn't much apart from, meat, eggs and some vegetables.

I took everything out and started on breakfast.

Jimin was still asleep so I thought, I didn't need to rush myself.

10 minutes later, as I was in the middle of cooking, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist which made me startle.

A chin rested on my shoulder,

"Something smells amazing." He said in his sexy morning voice.

"Oh, I didn't realise you're awake. I thought I'd make breakfast."

"You didn't have to." I turned around to face him, and wrapped my arms around his neck,

"Well, I wanted to. Now go freshen up, breakfast is nearly ready." I said, softly pushing Jimin away.

He chuckled, then walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs.

I finished up breakfast then plated up the food.

I couldn't stop smiling, an image of Jimin kept appearing in my mind.

I placed the food on the table, got the cutlery and the water.

As I was finished off, Jimin walks back into the kitchen. He walked over to the dining table and looked at all the effort.

"Wow, Y/N you didn't have to do all this." He said giving me a light peck on my cheek.

"It's nothing, honestly. Just sit down and eat now." He smiles at me widely and sits down and so do I.

We both started to eat and talked about the film we watched yesterday.

It felt good to be happy, after yesterday I felt as if Jimin and I needed this.

A relaxing day of just us two and being happy.

As we both continued to eat Jimin's maid came in,

"Sir, Master Taehyung and Master Jungkook are here to see you."

Jimin's POV:

"Sir, Master Taehyung and Master Jungkook are here to see you."

And behind her was the two of them. Their eyes widen and so did mine.

What the hell?? Why are they here? This is not good. I haven't even had the time to tell them about Y/N.

I quickly stood up and asked nervously,

"What are you guys doing here??"

"We wanted to talk to you about something, but it clearly looks like you're busy." Jungkook said looking over at Y/N.

I Married An Anti-Fan | BOOK 1 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now