R21+ Part 9 - Perfect Day

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I woke up quite late with swollen eyes from all the crying. It was already around evening time.

I headed into the bathroom and washed my face. I looked at myself in the mirror.

I was thinking about what Jimin was doing at this moment.

'Should I text him?' – I asked myself.

I really wanted to know he was safe, but I knew I was best if I stay away.

I headed downstairs to get something to eat as I haven't eaten since yesterday.

As I was making myself food, I got a message from my one of my friends.

It was a newspaper article, it said,

Breaking news:

"Park Jimin from BTS was seen crying and apparently was heard yelling at his manager. What could all this mean? Was there something wrong with the band? Or maybe his relationship with Y/F/N? I guess we have to wait and see."

I couldn't believe what I was reading. Jimin was yelling at his manager? For what reason?

I had this weird gut feeling that I was responsible for this. I need to know if he is in trouble.

Without any hesitation, I dialled Jimin's number and waited for a response.

No answer...

I was getting a bit hesitant now... what if he was in trouble??

I didn't want to think I was the cause of something else that would bring chaos into Jimin's life.

The other fact was that I knew I couldn't leave the house. I knew there was just going to be cameras everywhere.

I decided to go upstairs back to my room and tried to call Jimin again.

But it was no use... no answer.

I sat on my bed reading through the article, trying to see if I could find anything.

My whole life was already all over the internet and I didn't like it.

I knew I was a bad idea to get involved with Jimin from day one. But I had fallen in love with him, so this was all so hard.

Jimin's POV:

I saw the article and frankly I was done with the news.

Always making up with these crap idea, it made me so annoyed.

But I didn't focus too much on it as today was to focus on getting Y/N back.

I have something big planned and I really hope it all goes to plan. I want her back in my life.

It took me all day to plan this all out but I hope it all pays off. I packed everything I needed for the surprise and put it all in the car. I got in my car and headed over to Y/N house.

On one hand, I really was wondering if Y/N was okay.

I knew she didn't mean anything she said yesterday, she only wanted what's best for me.

Anyways, I really hope my plan goes well and I can get back Y/N.

Your POV:

2 hours later...

I was reading through different newspaper articles as usual.

There are so many celebrity gossips, but the one about Jimin seems to be more of a big deal.

All these feeling I have for Jimin was hurting me because I couldn't be with him.

I don't how or when, I started to fall for him but I really wished there was a solution to all this.

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