Punishment Game (English Subs)

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It's your turn already, hurry up.
Shut up, I'm still thinking.

"Should I place a Draw Two on the table over the yellow 4,"
"Or should I not?" my mind wanders in circles as I consider
My opponent, 39, is wearing a brilliant smile; maybe she has a Draw Four?
Does she?
Do I?
Does she?
Do I?
How laughable.

Punishment game, I've got a lot to spare
That meek outlook of yours is just hiding your hesitations,
Aren't I right?
Let's shut the runways down, now
Because I want to see your deer-in-the-headlights expression when that happens
Punishment game, with the vigilant glare of a tiger
Get on your knees and bark like a dog! Then you'll understand how inexcusable this is,
Aren't I right?
I'll show you, and take off from the runway
Are you the one who's putting on airs, pulling the strings of the world behind the scenes?

It's your turn now, please take your time.
Don't push me like that, I'm thinking.

"Do I stick a Skip on the table over the red 3,"
"Or do I not?" the circuits of my brain clatter with analysis
My opponent, 93, is wearing a grimace like always; a Reverse should be fine,
You look like you're enjoying yourself.

Punishment game, it's the power of life-or-death
At this point, you're just trying to patch up that silent personality of yours,
I can read it on your face
Let's lower the railroad crossing gates, now
Because I want to see your eyes-glued-open-in-horror expression when that happens
Punishment game, it's plain and simple
If I shout out some famous lines from a movie, then you'll understand how inexcusable this is,
Aren't I right?
I'll wait for the railroad crossing gates to raise again
While passively listening to the bell chimes resound in my head without a care in the world

"Should I place a Wild on the table over the green 0,"
"Or should I not?" the results from my observations rattle in my mind
My opponent, 39, has her elbows on the table; is she planning on handing down her punishment?
Will she?
Will I?
Will she?
Will I?
Are you done now?

Spreading in front of my eyes laid the galaxy
In the void of space, it's impossible to tell the difference between the world or a heron or a raven
Connected to me is something sparkling like a star;
What in the world, what in the world was this, again?

Punishment game, but it's a total plot twist
It's bad if you use up all your number cards by the end,
Aren't I right?
Punishment game, but it all came to nothing
No way, was the sore loser putting up a useless fight actually me?
Punishment game, it's almost like a cartoon
Get on your knees and bark like a dog! Then you'll understand how inexcusable this is,
Aren't I right?
Punishment game, I ain't laughin'
Who was pulling the strings of the world behind the scenes?
I wonder, now.

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