My Reaction When Alex Came Out?

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Hey guys!

So we have some more questions here so I'll just hop right in!

Q1) Do you have a crush on any of the pals?

A1) Uhm, well, I don't know if you noticed but I'm 12 years old and all of the pals are above 18 so I'm gonna have to say no.

Q2) What are your opinions on the girls who are always like "SUB (or Denis or Corl or whoever) IS MINE!!! NEVER TOUCH MY SUB SENPAI OR I WILL GET MAD!"

A2) VERY specific but I will answer. So, first of all, if a girl is like that towards Alex, I don't like that because ,well, he's gay so it just doesn't work out. But, to answer the question all together, I don't like it when girls do that. It's just weird and probably puts the pals in an uncomfortable situation at times. And sometimes, they're not even real fans. I just, flat out don't like it at all. If you're like this and you're reading this, I have nothing against you, it's just my opinion.

Q3) What was your reaction when Alex came out?

A3) OOH! I was hoping someone would ask this! Ok so. I was on YouTube, when I got a notification. I always click right on the notification when I get them. So I saw it was by Alex so naturally I was like "OH MY GOSH IT MIGHT BE HIS DRAW-MY-LIFE" So I clicked without reading it. Low and behold, it WAS his draw-my-life! I had to pause the video and actually CRY because of how excited I was so that happened. I started crying over how inspirational it was (I'm VERY sensitive by the way) when he was talking about how he had an asthma attack and that didn't stop him from following his dreams and stuff. So, out of NOWHERE, he just said "I am gay." So, it took me by surprise because there was no warning, so, I laughed. I literally thought he was joking. I pinched myself and replayed the part like, a million times. So, I didn't care that he was gay, but it did swirl my emotions, so I started crying again (HAHAHAH Like I said I'm sensitive ok?). I RAN down to my sister's house and told her about the whole thing and we were like, freaking out. And she asked "Are you sad that he's gay?" and I said "NO IT JUST TOOK ME BY SURPRISE!"  SO don't think I'm hating on Alex, it just took me by surprise, he's still my favorite YouTuber EVER.

OK guys! That was a  LOOOONG answer so that's gonna rap it up! Ask me questions on Twitter @Mia_ChanIsHere or just ask me in the comments! Bye! 

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