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As Aragorn was fussed over by maids, Legolas couldn't help but stare at the beautiful man near him. It was quite clear that Aragorn couldn't care less about how he looked for his coronation, but Arwen insisted that he was dressed well.

Legolas sighed. How could he not stare at Aragorn? His chiseled cheekbones, his soft wavy brown hair... it broke his heart to see his friend (although he wished it was more) happy with someone else. He knew he was supposed to feel happy for Aragorn but his heart seemed to win over his brain for once. He loved the brown-haired hunter. They had grown so much closer during their fight with Sauron, but obviously Aragorn loved Arwen. She was beautiful, after all. Why would the soon-to-be King love him? A simple wood elf?

Aragorn's soothing voice snapped him from his deep trance. "Legolas, mellon nîn?" (my friend) Legolas lifted his gaze to meet the stunning blue eyes of the love of his life. "Yes, aran nîn?" (my king) Legolas shot back, teasing the hunter.

"I am not yet your king, Legolas," Aragorn replied with a short-lived grin that morphed into a frown, his eyebrows creased in worry. "Are you ok? You have been quiet all morning." The blonde elf did not want to worry his friend, so pulled his lips up into a smile that he wished was genuine. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Legolas lied, feeling awful. Before Aragorn could reply, the elf dashed off to the balcony of the library.

Aragorn sighed. He knew that something was wrong. He had been with Legolas long enough to know his emotions. But what? He didn't like seeing his friend upset. Friend? Aragorn thought. No, Legolas is more than that. But if not, then what was he?


Legolas cradled his legs in his arms and gazed over the morning sun. Aragorn would be crowned at exactly 2pm Gondor time. 4 hours until they would not see each other again, except from a distance. He would have to return back to Mirkwood and his father and Aragorn had a country to run. It would never work, and, even if it did, Aragorn loved Arwen. Not him.

Sighing, he stood up and walked to his chambers to change into his coronation robe. It was a pale blue, full length gown with a high collar and gold patterns dancing on it, and although it was stunning the blonde elf wasn't feeling it; his mind was full of thoughts of a certain blue eyed man.

Why was life so unfair?


Aragorn breathed deeply. He had realised what he felt for Legolas. Meleth. (love) So how could he go through with making Arwen his queen? Yes, he loved her, but... as a sister. Was this why Legolas was so upset earlier? Did he feel the same? No. Aragorn knew that it couldn't be true. How could a flawless talented elf love a human like him? Legolas deserved someone so much better. He probably has his eye on someone... Aragorn thought miserably. It hurt. A lot.

He stepped up to the throne in his coronation clothes. A black velvet cloak and a suit of iron armour, decorated with feather designs shrouded him. The brown haired man felt very uncomfortable as he saw hundreds of pairs of eyes watching him.

That was, until he spotted Legolas. His elf friend's reassuring smile restored Aragorn's courage immediately. The blonde elf was already having such an effect on him!

As Gandalf placed the crown of Gondor atop his wavy brown hair, all Aragorn could think of was Legolas.

Arwen had proposed that they publicized their love at his coronation; he knew that the kingdom might not accept a homosexual king. But now, he knew that he could not go through with her plan; another elf had his heart: a blonde master archer whom he had gone through thick and thin with.

The hunter was snapped out of his thoughtful trance by Gandalf proclaiming: "Now come the days of the King." The wizard smiled reassuringly and said in a quieter tone "And may they be blessed."

Aragorn smiled shakily at the white wizard before turning around to face his kingdom, where he was instantly greeted with rapturous applause.

All he wanted was Legolas. But that would never happen. Aragorn started to sing in Quenyan, his gravelly but sweet voice filling the courtyard, reaching even the people on the back rows.

Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien.
Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar
tenn Ambar-metta!

(Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come.
In this place will I abide, and my heirs,
unto the ending of the world.)

As the new king sang, he walked along the passage made for him by the people and smiled at them. He was nervous but didn't show it, knowing that it was more important to give everyone a brave face.

Aragorn scanned the crowd around him until his eyes reached the blue eyes of his love. His walked along towards him but was interrupted by Arwen.

"Shall we, aran nîn?" she whispered confidently. But Aragorn knew that he had to follow his heart, and his heart was only saying one word: Legolas. "Naethen, Arwen." (I am sorry) he replied with sad eyes and gave her a hug before walking towards the blonde.

Something was unspoken between then but they both knew what it meant. Almost in unison, they crashed their lips together in a passionate kiss. Claps and cheers rose up from the crowd and they both breathed a sigh of relief as they pulled apart, still holding hands.

They had been accepted.


AHHHHH I AM SO HAPPY WITH THIS FANFICTION!!! (And yes, it is finished)

This story is for @LordoftheRing_fan13 and @RogersMaryJane who (kind of) asked for it.


I'm about to write another Aralas one shot now heehee - It'll come. I have plans already ;3

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Mocha x


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