Chapter 1

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*Branch's POV*

It was sunrise, the sound of a light breeze rustling through the leaves in the trees. Sunlight streaming through the branches. Branch sits on top of a stone looking outward from the hill he sat upon down to the troll village. As more and more trolls begin to start their day, only one was on his mind. Although, he did not want to admit it. Bundling up his catch for the day, he made his way down to his bunker.

While walking, He heard rapid footsteps, followed by  a familiar sound.

"Branch! Hey Branch! Wait up"!  

Turning to the call of his name, he looked upon the voice he recognized immediately: Poppy. A slight smile crept across his face, but was almost instantly wiped away when she walked closer to him. "What is it poppy"? Her smile always gave him comfort. Her happy face and stunning smile brought more light than the sun itself.  "I was just going to say good morning to you. And I was wondering if you would like to join us all today for a singing lesson! It would be good for you. C'mon, what do you say"? Instantly he was not amused. All of the trolls Knew he doesn't sing. With a blank expression and slight annoyance, he sighed, picking up his satchel he walked slowly away. " No, I think I'm good. You know I don't sing. Besides, I am busy getting materials for my bunker". Poppy shot a slightly disappointed look, but softened soon after. Running after him, she grabbed his arm gently, pulling him back, much to his surprise. "What if I help you? Besides, I've spent allot of time with all my friends here in troll village, I'd like to do the same with you". This statement shocked him. No one had ever actually WANTED to spend time with him. He suddenly felt his face getting hot. Before he could say anything, he was interrupted by another voice he knew. A voice he hated. His soft, british accent echoed over to their direction.

"Well well well, Good morning branch. Out looking for more twigs and grubs to eat this morning are we?  Branch groaned in annoyance, He was used to being mocked, but from creek it irritated him more and more. "Oh hello creek, out talking to flowers and the universe again"? Creek, looking slightly angry but more annoyed, scoffed at the grey troll. "Come along poppy, his negativity is bad for you, let's join the others for singing practice, ehy"? Creek pulling her arm along with his mid stride walk. To her reluctance. Stopping mid walk, she gently pulled away, making the purple troll stop in confusion. " I-I'm sorry creek, but maybe next time, he looks like he could really use the help. But please stop teasing him, he works hard on what he does". Branch was surprised that poppy stuck up for him. But even more so, was surprised she CHOSE to stay with him. He was fighting back a smile when he felt his face begin to get hot again. he dismissed it as quickly as he could. Seeing the annoyed purple troll's facial expression was delicious to him. 

In an almost disgusted tone, creek replied: "Fine, but don't let his negative aura pollute yours". Then coolly walked away. Poppy turned to branch wearing a soft smile, waiting for a response from him. "Thank you poppy, but you don't have to push yourself to be around me. I'm used to being alone". Giving branch a confused glance, she chuckled to herself softly while walking towards him. "Branch, what makes you think I would be pushing myself? I OFFERED to come with you, I told you didn't I? I would like to spend some time with you". Her sweet words and soft gaze made branch feel light. Almost breathless. But he kept his grouchy demeanor. So not to arouse any suspicion. Suddenly poppy's face changed from happy, to sad. " don't want me there"? She added. Branch wasn't accustomed to having visitors, but he figured for her, it wouldn't be so bad. " Well, I usually never have.....guests. But....I guess I can make an exception. Just don't touch anything and don't be nosy ! Ok"? Smiling happily, She nodded her head and skipped alongside him as they left. Traveling through the bramble was something she would normally never would have ever tried alone. Not with all the dangers that lurk in the woods. Especially at night. 

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