Aria And Sage - Chapter Three - Sage's Party

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It was the night of Sage's party. I was so excited! I couldn't contain it! I feel like Sage's party will be the party of the century! Rayleigh said there were about 67 people at his house for the party. Hopefully the 'fashion freaks' aren't there.

 Rayleigh has asthma now thanks to that douchebag. But luckily, she can still make it to Sage's party. His parent's are out on a two week cruise, so the whole house is parent-free. Sage's best mate, Daniel, is bringing some alchohol. Cowboys, Vodka, Scotch and a little bit of Wild Turkey. I'm not having any because if I came home all sick and puking, mum would know about the party AND that I drunk alchohol. Alright yes, my mum doesn't know I'm going. But that doesn't stop me from being able to sneak out my bedroom window! This is SAGE'S party I'm talking about. Who would want to miss it?

Mum only just went to bed, and so did dad. I opened my window slowly and steadily. Creeeeaaaak! I flinched at the sound. There was a gap only just big enough to fit me through it. I stuck my head out and grabbed onto a strong branch on my oak tree out in the front yard. I dangled from the tree, and then pulled myself up. I balanced onto the branch and shut my window carefully. I jumped down out of the tree and landed safely. Suddenly, a car pulled up at my house. "Pssst! Aria! It's me, Rayleigh! Get in the car and lets go!" Rayleigh whispered loudly. I hopped into the passenger seat at the front and shut the door. "Okay, why did you take your dad's car? And do you know how to drive?" I questioned. "How else are we going to make it? And yes, I know how to drive! How do you think I made it here?" Rayleigh said. I buckled up my seatbelt and Rayleigh drove out down the road.

Screeeach! The tires were loud as we pulled over at Sage's house half an hour later. We heard music playing. I think I hear O.M.G playing over the speakers. I walked up to the front door with Rayleigh and knocked at the door. Sage opened the door and gleamed at us. "Finally! You two probably came fashionably late, eh?" Sage smirked. Rayleigh and I looked at each other weirdly. "Nah, just joking, ha ha ha! Come on in!" Sage laughed. We walked in and saw a lot of people there. Daniel was over on the couch taking some alchoholic shots. A few people I didn't know were dancing wildly. A couple of girls joined- WAIT! "Rayleigh!? WHAT ARE THEY DOING HERE?!" I yelled. Luckily the music was loud enough to bleep out what I just yelled out. The 'Fashion Freaks' were hanging out over by Daniel drinking alchohol. "Oh shit.... what are we gonna do?" Rayleigh cried out. "I dunno!! Those bitches will embarrass us in anyway possible!" I cried with her. "Okay... we need to play strategically! We try to hang around Sage's friends. Those freaks never bully us near them because the girls like Sage, Daniel and Carter!" Rayleigh explained. I nodded. We wandered around the party for a minute and found Carter by chance. 

"Whats up girls! Enjoying the party?" Carter smiled. "Hi Carter! Yup! I love it!" Rayleigh said with a shaky voice trying to sound enthusiastic. "Wanna go get some alchohol?" Carter asked happily. I looked at Rayleigh with fright. 

I'm not supposed to drink alchohol!! What am I going to do?! Carter is a cool person, and we are at a party filled with cool people!! If I reject the drinks, I'm going to be humiliated for LIFE!


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