Aria And Sage - Chapter Two - Complete Chaos

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CHAPTER TWO - Complete Chaos

Okay, so it's official. I'm not that good at sports or obstacle courses. But that doesn't mean I am going to give up trying! PE really sucks when Mr Chawley yells at you 24/7. Such as, "ARIA YOU LAZY IMBECILE! KEEP GOING!" 

At the canteen with Rayleigh, ordering some food. "What is the daily special?" Rayleigh asked. "Umm... i think its Lasagne with Chips and Salt. But I think the salt is optional." I glanced over to try and see the front of the line. Rayleigh tried to peer over the line too but then fell forward and hit the school bully on the back by accident. He turned around with that i-am-so-going-to-kill-you face. I stopped peering and realized the bully had raised his fist at Rayleigh. "I didn't mean to!" Rayleigh cried out.  He punched Rayleigh's chest so hard, I heard a crack. I pushed the bully away and kneeled down to Rayleigh who was on the ground in tears. "I, I, I, can't breathe properly!" she screamed. The canteen ladies ran out to examine Rayleigh. The principal suddenly ran over the the canteen. "What's going on?!" Mr Fensh frowned. I pointed at the bully. "He punched Rayleigh in the chest and she can't breathe properly now!" I hissed. Mr Fensh grabbed the bully by the arm and dragged him to the office. Then I focused myself back to Rayleigh. "Ari... Aria, i'm dizzy..." Rayleigh sighed. I freaked out so hard, then the lunch ladies told everyone including me to go away. The schoolbell rang. I didn't want to leave Rayleigh, but then I heard a siren. An ambulance was here. I ran to my locker in tears. I twisted the lock and entered in the combination. I opened my locker and out fell all my books, my phone and my feather boa. I picked up my books and the feather boa and saw scattered on the ground was bits of my phone. I threw the boa and the books in my locker and locked my locker. I collapsed to the ground. What will my dad say? Most importantly, what will my mum say? This was complete chaos.


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