part 6 : jane's life💘❄

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Jane : Zig where are you goiing ?
Zig.. stop n get in the car RIGHT NOW


(Someone knocking in the door)

Madeline : hi sweet heart


Jane : hi madie ! Thank you for

coming we really needed your


Madie : where is ziggy?

Jane : uuh .. in his room

he is mad bout me ..

Madie : why?

Jane : loong story .. about his

father he want him to be in the

family tree

Madeline : well i think he have

The right..

Jane : NO HEE DOON'T .

Im really stressed..

Madeline : You never

Told me bout ziggy 's father

Jane : heeh! It s not a romantic

story btw

Madeline : c mon tell me

Jane : we met one night in a club ,
He was nice and gentle .

He took me to a five star

Hotel . Everything was beautiful

And romantic , candles and roses
wine.. then suddenly he became a

monster ..throw me against the

wall , cutting my clothes n start

fucking me like a machine.

when he finished he wore

His clothes N went like

nothing happened.

Madeline : omg ! Im sorry .

Jane : it s okay

Madeline : Did

You followed him after ?

Or when you knew you were


Jane : i followed him after but

I didn't find him.

Madeline : what was his name? I

can help you find him

if you want.

Jane: he told me a name then

I knew it was for a guy in

A movie hah . I think we

Should start doing this fucking

family tree

Madeline : alright


(PHONE ring..🎶📞)

Celeste : hi Madeline

Madeline : Celeste don't you

mind joing me in the restaurant

Celeste : yes of course

Madeline : thanks bye

Celeste : bye

Perry : Who are you talking to ?

Celeste : uuuh ! You scared me.

This is Madeline she want me

To join her to the restaurant

It seems something important

Perry : why you didn't ask me


Celeste : why should i tell you

Im just going to..

Perry slapped Celeste , but she is a fighter ; she fight back so she slapped him back . Perry was so upset which pushed him to throw her against the wall


Perry : omg..omg ! Sorry i didn't

mean to.. I.. I m so sorry are

You okay?



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