Chapter 1

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I appeared in front of my father's castle and looked around. It was as tall as a the buildings in New York city and as wide as two football field. There were people standing around talking as I passed, they bowed and I nodded my head in return.

"God, Princess its been along time".I turned to see My first and only ex-boyfriend, Gabriel. Standing 6'1 Gabriel was drop dead gorgeous with his wild brown hair and his purplish color eyes.

"Hello, Gabriel, how have you been. Terrible I hope,"  I said in a sarcasm way.

He just flashed me one of them evil grins and stepped closer to me. "Yes, without you its been terrible, darling".

I inhaled his scent and nearly fainted. No wonder girls be jumping his bones all the time. Of course that's how we ended in the first time, he couldn't stay a one girl kind of guy. I can remember like yesterday when I found him and another girl having sex. Of course I beat the girl a** but i couldn't do nothing but cry when i looked into his eyes.

I blinked back tears and walked out his embrace and headed for the castle. My old maid Mrs. Jekins was standing at the door greeting the guest. When she spotted me she almost collapse to the ground bowing at my feet.

"Mrs.Jenkins that is uncalled for. Please give me a hug you've been like a mother figure to me".

She hesitate like I was gone hurt her but she gave me a fast hug and backed away slowly.

 "wow", I thought and entered the ball room.

Again I was greeted by bows. I scanned the room looking for my father as I spotted him sitting up on his throne. His golden hair like mine glowed in the light. My uncle Samuel was standing next to him as always.

He spotted me and smiled. I made my way into his waiting arms.

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