For A M I E L

25 3 2

The price tag is high,

I couldn't afford,

I stared at it longingly,

Stared at it for the last moment,

Stared at you for the last time,

I'm slowly trying to accept,

That you can't be mine,

But I still like your scars,

And adore your flaws,

Your broken smile,

And your chain of thoughts,

I still like your unruly hair,

And mysterious mask,

I still like the way,

You look at me like,

You're undressing me,

Looking through my soul,

But why can't you see?

How much this heart sings for you?

You're bold for bursting my bubble,

Yet blind in seeing the clues,

That whenever my day is blue,

You're the one who turns the hue,

Into a color of vibrant orange,

The frown in my face changes,

And curls upward,

As I see your figure,

Down the hallways,

Through the crowd,

Lost in the chattering voices,

The only noise,

I want to hear,

Is you,

Talking about your day,

Dreams and hopes,

Failures and success,

Your fears and regrets,

Things that would you happy,

And people who made you frown,

I want to know,

What's running inside,

That cloudy head of yours,

Was it painful?

Or just plain darkness?

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