Chapter 2

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Morgan had used her thu'um in many circumstances but using it to blast a pretty and lethal vampire off her was a new one. But it had worked, she mused with a little pride, as she watched the vampire fly through the air and land heavily on the floor a few yards away. Morgan silently thanked the Greybeards for the extra training they had given her a few weeks ago as she climbed to her feet and unsheathed her sword, watching the vampire carefully. That had been too close. Her blood was pounding through her head and she knew that the vampire would hear it.

She took a few deep breaths and kept her eyes on the vampire as she started to chuckle as she got to her feet, a small smile forming on her lips, her teeth slightly visible in the soft light that was illuminating the cavern.

"Now that was unexpected. And I apologise for what happened. I have been in there for...I don't know how long..."

Morgan hadn't expected the vampire to say anything and for some reason she even felt sorry for her. She truly didn't know how long she had been trapped in there? As if reading her thoughts, the vampire spoke again.

"Who's the High King?"

Morgan snorted with amusement. The civil war still raged on, with Ulfric Stormcloak and General Tullius each vying for victory and didn't seem to care who got in their way. Morgan had been contacted by both several times and her reply was always the same...usually with more swearing than even the Companions could muster all at once. She had no desire to pick sides, it was nothing to do with her. They were both as bad as each other in her view.

"Its up for debate" she replied softly.

"Another war? Wonderful"

Morgan snorted again before she caught herself. For a vampire, she did have a sense of humour.

"At the moment its between Ulfric Stormcloak and Jarl Elisif" Morgan said, wondering if either name would register. As it turned out, it didn't.

"Who are they?"

"Well, Ulfric hates the Empire and Elisif is sort of the Empires' puppet"

"What Empire?"

This was....unheard of. Morgan didn't know what to say after this and simply blurted out what was on her mind.

"THE Empire. In Cyrodiil"

The vampire now narrowed her eyes and Morgan readied herself again, cursing softly for letting her guard down.

"There's an Empire from Cyrodiil? I must have been sleeping longer than I thought"

Morgan felt that pang of sympathy again but she shut it out again. What the hell was she thinking? Was she really feeling sorry for a creature that had been about to rip her throat out? She sighed and wondered what to do. She could try and kill her but she risked being bitten. Maybe she should just go and let the vampire do what she wanted. She didn't have anything against her, but nearly being bitten was still on her mind.

"I'm sorry for what I did. Truly. Although...I dare say you were getting excited in that battle. And speaking of which. What did you do? That was no spell. It was almost like a Shout"

Morgan raised her eyebrows. Did she know about Shouting? Did she know about the Dragonborn prophecy?

" was a Shout, yes" she said quietly.

"Impressive...and good thinking too. I nearly had you"

"You didn't"

The vampire smiled at the impetuous reply and Morgan winced at how...childish, she sounded. She spoke what was still on her mind.

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