Chapter 53

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Morgan smiled as Brelyna told her about her few weeks as a vampire. As the two of them walked, Serana and Valerica walked behind them, slightly out of a mortals range anyway.

"Onmund supplies a bottle of blood twice a week. It's always enough to get rid of the thirst that you warned me about," Brelyna explained gratefully, her orange eyes twinkling in amusement.

"He's accepted your change better than I thought he would," Morgan admitted.

"He's a Nord. Which makes him a stubborn person," Brelyna laughed loudly, "But he is very protective of me as well. The first day at the College was...difficult...."

Morgan wrapped an arm round Brelynas waist and hugged her as they continued to walk. They were currently walking through a massive encampment of tents that spanned the shoreline around Northwatch Keep. She had to admit that she never believed they would receive so much assistance at such short notice.

Dawnguard soldiers were walking around, handing out crossbows to a few of the regular Solitude guards that were not as well armed as others. There were also the soldiers of Whiterun, who were milling around as well, giving Morgan a nod or even a smile as she passed them. Morgan remembered the time when she first used the thu'um...and the shock of the Whiterun guards when she had literally Shouted them off their feet.

Then there were the Companions. Farkas was there, along with Vilkas and even Ria had come along to help out. Aela was currently talking to them, with Jordis standing right beside her as though nothing would separate the two of them.

Lastly, there were the two dragons that had brought the help so efficiently. Along with one of only a few that Morgan held dearest to her heart.

"There you are!" Lydia yelled as she walked away from Odahviing and smirked at the two of them.

"Here I am!" Morgan yelled back cheekily.

Lydia smiled before practically crushing both women at the same time with a back breaking hug. Morgan chuckled as she allowed the taller woman to continue to try and bend her back into a new shape. She missed Lydia every time she was away from her, even for a week or so.

At least she isn't as formal as she used to be, Morgan mused wickedly, recalling how polite and formal her Whiterun housecarl used to be.

"Nice to see you again Lydia," Morgan grinned as she was finally released, and then she motioned to Brelyna. "This is Brelyna."

"Nice to meet you. And thank you."

"For what?" Brelyna asked, puzzled.

"For saving my friends life and for sacrificing your own mortality for her. You need anything, you ask." Lydia replied softly, but with a stern edge to her voice.

Morgan understood her unsaid message. Lydia would do anything for those that she felt dearly for. And she closed her eyes and listened to the heartbeats of the dozens of people around them, to prevent the tears that she could feel were trying to form. Many of them were scared, their hearts beating faster than usual. But some were relaxed, and when Morgan opened her eyes again, she found herself standing in front of the Companions that were standing there.

Sounds about right.

Morgan prevented the grin that was forming at her thoughts and simply nodded to the warriors of Jorrvaskr.

"Thanks for coming," she said.

"Kodlak asked us to come. We came," Vilkas replied a little stiffly.

Farkas elbowed his twin and laughed.

"We have women present," he boomed.

Morgan rolled her eyes at the humour, even though Jordis was holding her knuckle to her mouth to stifle the giggling.

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