Chapter 31

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Morgana and Serana had made their way to what used to be the area where Isran had asked one of his fellows to train trolls to fight for them. Morgan still remembered telling the weathered soldier that he was 'completely off his fucking head', and Isran had merely laughed at her before motioning her to follow him to another section of the Fort. That day seemed so long ago, Morgan had to repress a sigh as she stealthily made her way forwards.

And she raised her eyebrows as they peeked around the corner.

The whole of the Dawnguard contingent were all huddled in the holding pens where the trolls would normally have been kept, a shimmering shield of blue surrounding them completely. She then noted four mages in the centre, with another four standing behind them.

"They are holding up a massive shield together. That explains why the vampire Thalmor were starving. They couldn't get through the shield." Serana explained softly.

Morgan nodded in agreement.

"And they must have heard my shout as well."

She stood up fully and slowly walked into view, Serana right beside her. She kept her sword sheathed but she stayed alert. She knew that because of who she was would make the upcoming conversation much more difficult that it would be if she were still human.

"Who are you? Another vampire trying to get through? Good luck," a mage sneered at her from behind the barrier, "the last vampire that tried it was turned into ash."

"So it's a very powerful Ward that you are keeping together. Unluckily for you, your magicka will keep draining until you swap with another mage. And even then, you will become too tired to retain the ward for another day or so." Morgan said back with a grin. Clearly, they hadn't expected her to know anything about magic.

"Be that as it may, "another mage said as she approached them, "We can remain here until we have drank our potions."

"Until you poison yourself when the mixtures will poison your blood." Morgan countered. "I may be a vampire, but I also know a bit about magic. I am still a Breton you know."

"Hmmph!" the male mage slurred as he walked off.

The female mage looked intently at the two vampires that stood there completely relaxed and seemingly uninterested at getting to them.

"You will have to wait a few days until we are too tired. Maybe you should both leave before the dragon gets you at night."

Morgan chuckled, earning her glares from many of the Dawnguard that had been following the conversations.

"The dragon is dead, killed by my hand. The Thalmor are dead, killed by Seranas hands...and magic," Morgan added as Serana nudged her foot with hers, "And we are not interested in feeding off you."

"So why are you here?" the mage asked her, genuinely curious now.

"Fulfilling what Isran would have wanted once he found out the Thalmor had taken control of the Fort. Now that the vampires are gone, we will leave you in peace. Try and track us down and I will tear you in half." Morgan said with her fangs bared at the end.

She had no intention of wiping out the vampire hunters. In fact, they may prove useful in keeping Seranas father off their backs while they travelled around Skyrim.

"Who are you?"

Morgan smiled again. She hated it when people yelled 'it's the Dragonborn' or something like that, so someone not knowing her was rather refreshing.

"I am Morgan, Dovahkiin." Morgan replied, her thu'um spilling out and making the ground quake as she spoke, just like the Greybeards did sometimes.

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