The last moments

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Meanwhile in the UK

Harry's POV

"Wake up Zaynieeee...We have to leave..I bet you have'nt even packed up your stuff yet.." I said..shaking Zayn so that he would wake up soon..

"Go Away Harry..I need to have my beauty sleep.." Zayn said to me..

"Enough of your beauty sleep Zayn..You can sleep once we get in the plane..Just wake up now orelse Paul will have to carry you.." Liam said calmly and Zayn woke up quickly..I dont understand how can he sleep so much..

We guys are leaving for a video shoot..On a Big the deep ocean..We even have a bit of underwater shooting..Its gonna be a different experience..its the biggest video of our lives ever..We know why Zayn did'nt want to come..because he has a fear for water..but we can support him..He wont drown and we are there for him if he needs anything..So there's nothing to be scared of..

Soon..the five of us were ready..its around 9 pm here and we have a flight to catch..which takes us to the harbour where the ship we hired is been ready for us..with all the equipments and facilities..

We reached the airport and signed a few autographs..posed a few pictures for the fans..I wonder how do they come to know about our locations..We got on our private plane and as soon a we entered the plane..Zayn slept..Such a sleepy boy..But I must say he looks cute when he sleeps..

Me and Louis sat together..while Liam and Niall sat beside one another..And Zayn had the whole seat to himself as no one wants to be beside Zayn when he's sleepy..He'll sleep on you...haha..

Soon we landed..We reached the harbour..But we were informed that our ship will go tomorrow..Because there was an accident which took place in one of the cruise ships..And the rescue team had to find if there were any survivers and they did'nt even know the exact location where the ship met with the accident..I hope the people survive..Its sad to hear that..

We were taken to a hotel..And we had to leave early around that we could start the shoot till 8..i was excited as it would be a different experience..But i was scared too..after hearing about that accident..Rest everything lies upto God..

We woke up soon and left for the harbour...We all were still very sleepy and soon as we reached the harbour we were excited..The chilling breeze hit was very cold..

Soon the ship was in front of our was amazing..huge..majestic..beautiful..No words could describe the happiness on our faces and the excitement to live on that ship for 10 days..Thats gonna be amazing now..:D

"Woah..this one's huge..I hope it has amazing food inside.." Nialler being Nialler...this boy cant think anything else beside food..

"Yes..It's damn amazing..but i hope I dont get sea sick and I hope it is safe" Zayn said as he cant swim..

"Oh.Zaynie..Dont worry..We're gonna have the best time on this ship..besides who knows what comes next" The sassmaster as always being sassy..

"Lets go guyss..we dont wanna be late.." Liam being the daddy made sure we were on time..

As soon as we entered the ship..We were shown the suites..each suite had a separate kitchen and two rooms in each suite..

"Who's sharing with whom??" Paul asked us..

"Me and Liam" Niall said.."Me and Louis" Zayn said..

"Well I guess I have the whole suite to myself.." I exclaimed..

we all went to our rooms and rested for a while..The shooting starts at 8..till then all the technical facilities would be taken care of...There were'nt many people on the ship with us..We had our directior Ben.his family..Lou, Lux, Gemma, Paul, our whole crew..including our stylist and the fashion designer..we met the captain..He was a very gentle and a kind man..and he was happy to see us..

Our ship started on it journey as soon as everyone was on board..It did'nt even feel like we were moving..

I just layed on my bed..thinking about tomorrow..And i did'nt realise when I fell asleep..

Ellie's POV 

Unfortunately half of the ship was into the water and the other half was on fire...all the people tried using the fire extinguisher..but the fire was so huge..and it was thundering and lightning..but the rain had stopped..if only it would start raining the people wont burn themselves..

We could'nt wait any longer for the rain or for any other help..We had to jump in the sea..Yes..That was the only option..Either ways we would die..Atleast jumping of the ship would be a better option to die..All the passengers were given life jackets..I took Alex on my she did'nt know how to swim..and the three of us held each others hands and jumped off into the water..i held Alex tight so that i wont lose her..I shouted "Love you Mom..Dad and Alex." before jumping off in the water..Like it were my last words..

After a few minutes I struggled and came up..struggling for breath..Alex was on my back..She was fine..But I could'nt find my Mom or Dad..I was worried..tensed..broken..I felt like a part of me was dead..I wanted to scream so badly..but no one would hear..Either half of the people were dead..some were still on the ship..with fire on them and only a few managed to go on the boat..Which already was miles away from me..I could see the ship sinking in front of my eyes..Luckily we jumped on the opposite the ship did'nt fell on us..

Alex and I..were hugging each other and crying our heart out..We had lost our parents and soon we were going to die too..I did'nt wanted to die like this..

everything was so silent..all the screams were gone..the people were gone..I dont even know if there were other people like me who survived..

Suddenly i heard a loud splach of water..There I saw parents..i was sooo and Alex hugged them both..

"I love u both so much..i could'nt imagine losing you guys..Where were you since so long..I thought i would never see you guys again"

"Me and ur mom jumped with you..but when we jumped my leg got stuck in something..I dont know what it was..But still you mom did'nt leave my hand..she was here for me..And she helped me in coming out so that my leg was free..And if it was'nt for you mom..I would'nt be alive right now.." Dad said crying..

The four of us were having our moment...a small group hug in the water..the four of us crying..If we were meant to die together then yes..I am ready to die in the arms of my family..


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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