Chapter I

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Chapter One
Regular Day Of My Life

Marinette doged the punch and judo flipped Master Fu. "Great job, Marinette." Said girl let go and offered her hand towards the gaurdian. "Thanks. Are you okay?" Fu rubbed his wrist and nodded. "I may be one hundred eighty-six, but I still got some fight in me." Marinette giggled. Tikki and Wayzz came into veiw. "You did great Marinette!" Her Kwami said with a smile. "Thanks Tikki." Marinette looked at the clock on the wall and gasped. "School!" Fu chuckled as he watched the princess run to her room to get ready.

When she came back down Marinette wore jean shorts, a pink crop top with a gold crown on the front, black Converse, and her hair was up in a twin bun. "Have a good day, Princess."  Marinette said bye and ran to school.

When she reached the front doors Marinette hit head first into someone. She fell forward and landed on the person. "Gah! I'm so sorry!" She quickly stood up and looked at the person on the ground. She offered her hand. The boy gladly took it. "I'm sorry." He said. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes. Marinette smiled, "It's not your fault! I wasn't paying attention." The boy chuckled. He seemed a few years younger than Marinette. Maybe fourteen. "Are you new here?" She asked politely. The boy nodded. "Yeah. I recently moved from China. My parents sent me here. They told me I should skip a few grades because of my brains." Marinette giggled at that.

"What year?" She asked him. He thought for a moment then told her, "Twelfth." Mari smiled and put out her hand. "That's my grade!" She said with excitement. "I'm Marinette by the way." He took her hand and smiled. "Marin." Marinette smiled at the name it was the same as her younger brother. "I'll show you to homeroom."

Later that day~

"Alya!" Marinette yelled at her friend. The ombre haired girl laughed as her friend blushed a deep shade of red. "Girl, calm down it's just a picture." Marinette put her head in her hands. "Can you please delete it?" She asked nicely. Alya smirked. The girl was about to speak, but a knock came from Marinette's bedroom door. "Come in."

Master Fu walked in with his cane in hand and wearing his red hawiian shirt. "Grandfather? Is something wrong?" Fu smiled at the Princess. "No, no. Nothing is the matter. I was just checking up on you." Marinette raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what time is it?" Fu looked at his Miraculous, like it was a watch. "Time for you to go scout." Alya heard this often. Go scout. She still doesn't understand what it meant. "Sorry, Alya." Marinette stood from her spot on the floor. "I have to go." Alya stood up and hugged her friend. She said goodbye to Marinette and Fu.

"I better go, before Chat Noir thinks I'm standing him up." Fu smiled and moved away from the door to allow the teenager threw. "Tikki, spots on!" The kwami flew into her earrings as a bright pink light engulfed the Princess. Ladybug stood in her wake. "I'll be back soon, Master." Fu nods as Ladybug swings through the window and onto rooftops.

She swung all the way to the Effile tower and sat on the edge of the metal beam. She loved the view if Paris at night. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The moon shined in the reflection of the water. City lights lit up the city, guiding the way to the tower of love. "Come on Chat," she said leaning against the side beam. "I can't wait all day." Ladybug closed her eyes and relaxed. She tried to open them, but sleep consumed her.

Chat Noir came shortly after the heroine fell asleep. He smiled and sat next to his M'Lady. Not wanting to scare her, he lightly tapped her shoulder. She mumbled something in Chinese, which Chat knew because of his father. "Māmā, wǒ yǐhòu kěyǐ shì chuān. Ràng wǒ shuìjiào." (Mom, I can try on dresses later. let me sleep.) Chat raised his eyebrow at the statement. He found it weird that his tough Ladybug would have to try on dresses.

"M'Lady?" Ladybug's eyes fluttered opened. She saw Chat and wiped the sleep away from her eyes. "Sorry, Kitty." She said before yawning. "I must of been tired from working with my grandfather." It wasn't a total lie. She did work with Fu, but that just ment they trained all day. Before and after school. Then Alya came over and they started talking about Adrien and how she was going to send the photo to him.

"That's okay." He offered her a smile. "Shall we start our patrolling?" He asked with a cheeky grin. Ladybug giggled and pulled out her yo-yo. "Well, Kitty cat," she wrapped the string around a nearby lamp post and swung down. "Let's go patrol our lovely city." Chat grinned and followed suit.

After a few hours Ladybug and Chat stood at the roof of a small bakery. "Nothing out of the ordinary." Chat said resting up against the wall. Ladybug pulled her leg up to herself. "Chat?" She asked quietly. The blonde came and sat next to his partner. "Yeah?" Ladybug took a deep breath. "Have you ever-" she was cut off by her yo-yo vibebrating. She took it from her waist and looked at the message. She sighed. So close. She thought. "Sorry, Chat." The bluenette stood up. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow?" Chat nodded and watched as his partner swung away.

"I wish I could tell you my true feelings." He whispered before leaving off to his own home. Chat Noir jumped through his window and said, "Claws in." He detransformed and face planted into his soft bed. "Ugh!" He complained to his Kwami. "Why can't I tell her?" He asked Plagg. The cat came to his master's side. "Your a love sick teen who needs more cheese." Adrien rested his head on his palm and eyed his Kwami. "Really, Plagg?" He asked. "That's your advice?" Plagg shrugged and went to his stash of camenbert.

Adrien got up from his bed and walked to his computer. He powered it on and scrolled through the photos of himself and his partner. He smiled when he came upon a photo of him and Marinette. He smiled as his heart fluttered. His smile dropped. "Why me?" He asked the empty room.

He would never admit it, but he had a crush on both Ladybug and Marinette. His two best friends. He can't help what his heart wants.

What did y'all think? I know it's kind of a bad start, but I have something in mind. I don't know when the next update will be.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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