Chapter One

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Hi guys! this is my new story and I hope you enjoy! Also, above is how I imagine Evie, but you can imagine her as whoever!

Opening up my eyes, I see an unfamiliar ceiling and I have a temporary freak out until I realize that I had woken up in my college dorm room. My home for the next nine months.

I turn over to check my phone and see that it is eight in the morning on a Monday. The first day of classes.

I usually would protest on getting up this early, but going to class for the first time on campus excites me.

I quickly brush my teeth and brush out my hair before going to my closet. I've never been the type to dress up on the first day of school, especially when I was in high school, but today seemed different. Instead of putting on my usual sweatpants and tshirt, I opt for some skinny jeans and a tshirt. This is as dressed up as it gets for me. I put on some tinted moisturizer so I won't look dead and some mascara.

I look at the clock, 8:30. I have thirty minutes to be in class, so I grab my bag and begin to walk.

My dorm room isn't too far away from my first class so I take my time. I take in the buildings and the people that I pass, wondering if they know I'm a freshman. I know a lot of upper classmen hate the fall semester because that means more people. Lots of new freshmen that have no idea what is going on or what they are doing, aka me.

I get to my class with 20 minutes to spare. I count eight people total in the classroom, including myself. I was a little nervous walking in, but since I was early, no one really pad attention to me.

I sit down in the middle of the classroom, not in the front, but not in the back, a tactic I learned from my older brother.

I take out my notebook and pen and write Physiology 1302. Then I wait.

The classroom starts to fill up, the seat to my left and right getting taken pretty quickly. A beautiful boy sits to my left and he sets his book bag to the left of him as if he's saving it for someone. A girl on the right of me looks as though she's dead, her head covered in the hoodie as she lays it on the desk.

I notice that our professor has walked in and I straighten up in my seat. I see a brunette walk in as the boy to my left moves his stuff so she can sit down.

"Glad to see you aren't late on the first day of class, Jade," the boy next to me states.

"Well, it was an almost, but I'm here Harry, that's all that matters," the girl, named Jade says to the beautiful curly headed boy, named Harry.

"Yeah, but—," and that's when I tune him out.

"Good morning class, welcome to Physiology 1302. I'm Dr. Lane and today we start class. I hope you brought something to take notes with because your first quiz will be posted online right after this class and will be until midnight. Any questions?"

No one raises their hand.

"Good, but before we dive in I want to know who all in this class is a nursing major."

I raise my hand, as does the boy, Harry, and the girl, Jade.

"That's good, a little over half of you. As you know, nursing is a hard major, and this class can attribute to that. I am here to teach you, not baby you, or walk you through and hold your hand. You are college students, so act like it, yeah?"

Okay now I'm nervous again.

"One my question before we start. How many of you are freshmen?"

I raise my hand, but am singled out as soon as I do because I am the only one raising my hand.

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