Chapter Three

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"What the fuck Evie?"

I looked at her with wide eyes, not knowing what to do or say. I suddenly felt trapped in the car with nowhere to go.

"I just—um," and Jade was talking again before I could even get out what I was saying.

"Look, I'm not telling you to not do things, I'm not your mom. But, I know how Niall is. He is my friend, hell he's my boyfriend's best friend, but I promise you he is not looking for anything serious,"

"I'm not either! I don't even know how that happened," I said. Jade was giving me a look that said, 'yeah right'.

"You don't know how it happened?" Her face dumbfounded.

"Honest! We literally were just sitting there, he offered me weed, the next thing I know we're kissing,"

"Jesus Christ Evie. Just promise me you'll be careful. Not just with Niall, but everyone. Guys' are dumb,"

"I'm right here," Liam finally spoke up.

Jade smiled and took his hand in hers.

"Not you baby," She gave him a peck on the cheek, but kept their hands intertwined.

I just sunk back into my seat pretending I didn't just witness the cuteness overload happening in the front of the car.

*Next Day*



"UGHH—What the fuck, leave me alone," I said as I rolled over in my bed to reach my phone that was charging on my nightstand.

Of course it was Jade.

J: hello sunshine


J: wake up bitch

The progression of her messages would have made me laugh, except for the fact that I was still half asleep and wanted to still be sleeping.

E: what

J: don't be rude

E: I'm not

J: it's fine

J: get dressed

E: why?

J: we're all going to eat

E: who is we

J: the group

E: yepp, cause that really narrows it down for me

J: me, Liam, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Shawn, Harry's girlfriend, Niall, you...

E: geez is that all?

J: shut up and go put some clothes on

E: sure mom

J: fuck you

J: I'm picking you up in 10 minutes


J: better hurry (:

And with that I closed my phone and scrambled out of bed.

Taking one look in the mirror I cringed. My hair was sticking out everywhere, I looked dead.

I guess it's a leggings type of day. And a messy bun.

Once I brushed my teeth, pulled my hair up and put on my clothes, I went back into my room to see if Jade had said anything else.

J: Hey, someone else is coming to pick you up, and they're already there so see ya later

E: what

E: someone else?

E: Jade wtf


'Well I guess I should leave then' I said to myself.

I grabbed my keys and my wallet and headed out the door to the parking lot. There was only one car pulled out and running, so I guessed this was my ride.

But the car was nice.

A white jeep with dark tint on the windows. As I came up behind it I inspected and admired it. I loved Jeeps. My attention was pulled from the car when I heard one of its doors shut.

"Are you going to get in the car or what?"

"Of course this is yours," I said as I stared back at him.

"What's that supposed to mean? You know what, forget it. Get in, Evelyn,"

I walked to the passenger side and hoisted myself up into the seat.

"What did I say about calling me that," I reached to put on my seatbelt.

"I don't remember me caring about it enough to remember," he said, putting the car in drive.

I scoffed and turned to look out the window. I slowly turned my head forward to take in the car...and Niall.

He had on black sunglasses that covered up his insanely blue eyes. A white t-shirt, and what looked to be black sweats.

"See something ya like sweetheart?" Niall asked, eyes still on the road.

Ugh he caught me staring. I stare a lot, not meaning to.

"Um—so why did you come get me instead of Jade?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I live closer," and that was the only explanation he gave me.

I would argue because I know he doesn't, but I decided I didn't want to know.

"Where are we going to eat," I asked.

"A small café on the outskirts of town. It has the best breakfast food," he said. A small hint of excitement in his voice almost made me smile.

"Breakfast? It's 1:30 pm," I said as I looked at the time on the dash.

"Well, Evelyn, they serve it all day," he said in a mocking tone.

"Are you ever not a smartass?" I asked.

He didn't answer my rhetorical question.

"I'm sorry about last night," he said.

I could feel my eyes literally bulge out of the sockets.

"Sorry about what?"

I could literally hear him gulp.

"About kissing you. It was out of line and I shouldn't have," he said.

I didn't answer straight away. Hell, I really didn't even know what to say. Until my mind took control instead of my mouth.

"But I liked it—I mean, uh, it was fine, I didn't mind. It's all good," I rambled on trying to fix the words I had just said.

I could see him smirk. That damn smirk. He now knew I liked the kiss and he was going to be smug about it. How typical of him.

"You liked it?" He asked, taking his shades off. His blue eyes pierced mine for a few seconds before they turned their attention back to the road.

"I didn't say that! I just—"

"I'm just teasing, calm down," his smirk faded a little and soon we pulled into a rundown diner that had only two other cars in the parking lot.

I could see Jade getting out of her car along with Liam, Harry and an unfamiliar girl. Jade just gave me a look as though she was apologizing, but she joined Liam and the others as they walked up to the door. I jumped out of the jeep and felt someone behind me as I closed the door.

"Maybe since you liked it so much, we could do it again sometime," Niall whispered in my ear.

Chills instantly fell down my spine as I saw him walk off with everyone else.

Holy fuck, that was kind of hot.

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