Chapter Five

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After my lab I went home and took a 2 hour nap. When I woke up, it was around 5 in the afternoon meaning I still had three hours left until I was meeting up with Jade and the group. They told me they didn't know who all would be there, but the two of them plus Liam would definitely be going.

Since I had some time left, I thought it would be a great time to start reading Pride and Prejudice. It wasn't a bad book, just a little slow for my liking. I still got 150 pages in before I realized I was hungry. I put a piece paper between the pages I left off at.

I wanted to leave a little early to get food, so I grabbed my backpack, put the book into it and walked out the door. The library wasn't too far off from where I lived, but stopping for food would slow me down.

I went to the Chick-fil-a on the edge of campus, getting the 8 piece nugget, waffle fries, and a sweet tea. Oh how I loved their sweet tea.

I walked towards the library and texted Jade before I went inside to make sure what floor they were on. I made my way up to the third floor and opened the door to room 316. To my surprise, Jade, Harry, Liam, and Niall were in the room surrounded by a clutter of papers on the desk. They all looked up to see me walk in. Jade smiled at me and gestured for me to sit by her, which was across from Niall.

"What are you going to do right now Evie?" Jade finally spoke up.

"Probably the homework for Developmental Psychology," I said, taking out the contents of my backpack.

"Oh, I did that already, but Niall is still working on it."

I looked at Niall after she said that, his eyes flickered up at the sound of his name. I honestly did not even realize he was in that class.

"You're in developmental Psychology?" He asked me.

"I am, but I didn't know you were in it. Were you there last class?"

"Yeah, I sit in the back."

"That explains it, I sat in the front with Jade," I said while he just nodded and went back to typing on his computer.

This went on for a while, I looked up occasionally to see him typing or writing something on a notepad right next to his computer.

I on the other hand was eating on my food and every once in a while, I would write down the answer to the questions. I turned to Jade and asked her about something I didn't understand. When I turned back, I realized my fries were gone.

Looking up, I see Niall with them in hand and one or five, in his mouth.

"Excuse me," I said.

He looked up from his computer, confused as if he had done nothing wrong.

"What?" He said. His mouth was full of my fries.

"I think you have something that belongs to me," I said. I made a hand gesture for him to give my fries back.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Niall, give them back. I'm trying to eat," I said, getting a little annoyed.

"Give what back?" Yet again, he was playing dumb.

"I will reach over this table and take them if you don't give them back,"

"I don't know what you're trying to get, but okay," He said, shrugging his shoulders, still eating my fries.

I reached across the table and tried to grab them, but before I could, he backed away. This time, he grinned.

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