Chapter 10

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Day of Homecoming


"Wake up! WAKE UP WAKE UP"

Is what I woke up to, seeing Chi at the end of my bed jumping for joy.

"Whyyy! I don't wanna wake up, I wanna sleep forever!" I yelled back


"WHAT!" I yelled as I got up and out from under my blankets. "What time do the guys come and get us?"

"Well the dance starts at 7 and ends around 10 right?"

"Yeah, so you think.. No actually text Suigetsu and ask him so I can wake up and eat" I commanded, wanting to put some sweats on and a tshirt, considering that I only sleep in a sports bra and underwear.

After Chi left the room I put said clothes on. The one thing I enjoyed about homecoming or any dance is before you start getting ready and dazzled up you can sit around and relax. Speaking of I should start considering how long it will take for me to do Chi's hair and how long it will take for her to do mine since we both have pretty long hair. Ugh. Not to mention I have to shower before that. Planning things is too much work.

"Kat, come eat!" I heard Itachi yell down the hall to my room.

"Coming!" I replied to my eldest brother.

As I entered the kitchen Sasuke and Chi were arguing over a piece of bacon and Itachi was just laughing. Me being grumpy...

"Plot twist" I said as I took the piece of bacon and ate it. "I'll eat it" I said in between bites

"Sister, why would you do that?" Sasuke asked with disappointment

"Because you and Chi are acting like 5 year olds." I replied


"Done, just done. It's too early for this guys."

"Kat, it's almost noon" Itachi said to me.

"And any other Saturday at noon I'd be sleeping, and yes, I'm being sassy." I joked

After "breakfast" I guess you could call it. I showered and let my hair air dry then Chi and I got to work on our hair. Later, after that, 6:00 came rolling around and we were putting on our dresses as Sasuke knocked on the door to tell us that Deidara and Suigetsu were here. This also meant that Ino was probably here too. Blah

Chi left to go greet them while I was still putting on my dress. All the sudden my French doors blew open and a piece of paper blew in. I picked it up and read it.

'You better watch you and your friends' backs tonight. Someone might get hurt

Yours truly, you know who'

I absolutely could not believe this. I burnt the note immediately with fire style when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said

"Wow, just wow. Katari, you look beautiful, true art" Deidara said.

"You're so cheesy," I teased as he pulled me close to him.

"Well I'm serious about every word I said" he joked back

"Save that for later!" Chi yelled as she entered my room with Suigestu, as Deidara and I were about to kiss.

"Chi! I'm actually really glad you just came in here because that reminds me, I have to tell you something!" I said cheerfully, not letting either one of the guys know that I was hiding something.

"YOU HEARD THE LADY, LEAVE BOYS" Chi commanded to them as if they were her army. and Suigetsu started complaining and left.

"Chi, you're not going to want to hear this but I got another note, it said to watch everyone's backs tonight at the dance." I explained to her quietly

"What! no this can't be happening! It's homecoming!" She started to turn red in anger but her eyes started to water as mine did the same

"This torture is never going to end, is it" I started to say.

"I don't know. Katari, what do we do? We can't not go tonight." she said in a quiet whisper

"We're just going to have to watch out for everyone. Maybe we'll even find out who's responsible for all of this."

"I hope." she said as Suigetsu excitedly bursts in telling us it was time to go.

"Well here we go" I said to her as we exited my room and met up with Sasuke and Ino and Deidara.

Outside there was a limo waiting for us. Once we were inside Chi went crazy and was touching everything. She reminded me of Tom Hanks in Big. Once we got to the dance Chi and I exchanged glances, reminding each other to be on the lookout. Then we entered the school for the dance...



So I was going to add the dance into this chapter but I have better ideas and it would've been a REALLY long chapter. So you peeps are going to have to see what awaits. Maybe you'll find out who it is who is torturing them. It could be a new enemy or the same person who did it in their past. By the way if you guys were wondering it wasn't Orochimaru or Kabuto.... Or was it? Homecoming dance will be in the next chapter. Tootlelooo!

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