Chapter 3

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I ran home, stayed in my room and thought of ways to occupy myself because after all that, I certainly couldn't sleep. What was the point? that was not the way I planned everything to go, especially not for Dei to be there in the middle like that.

After a while, I just decided to watch a movie. The Hunger Games. I mean like why not? soon into the movie I heard a knock on my bedroom door. I must woke someone up.

"Sasuke? Or is it Itachi?"

"It's Sasuke, I'm coming in." He said as he walked in, "why are you up this late it's 1:30 in the morning."

"Listen, I guess I should tell you now, I basically snook out at midnight.." I explained everything that happened to him, and all he did was just sit there and stared at me.

Finally he spoke "Why would you do it there and not in private?"

"Why? Cause he started being a ass right off the bat, why would I wait to break up with him?"

"You know next time there's a band meeting things aren't going to go well, don't you''

"Sasuke, I'm sure I can handle things just fine. Thanks for worrying though."

"No problem, what are you watching?"

"The Hunger Games, did you wanna watch it with me? I know it's one of your favorites too."

"It's late, but I guess, are you sure you're okay though?"

"I'm okay, really"

I hated worrying either one of my brothers. Even worse I just hated people worrying about me.

-Sasuke's POV-

I know she hates being worried about but she can't try to hold in everything that happens. She may hate being worried about but I do hate when she's upset.

-Back to normal-

The next morning came and I got up and realized brother fell asleep in my bed. It was a big bed so I didn't exactly mind. I got out of bed without waking him and went to get breakfast. Actually more like the reason I woke up was cause I smelled food being cooked. I wasn't about to miss out on that.

I entered the kitchen to see a feast. Itachi knows I eat a big breakfast. All my favorites were on the table. Scrambled eggs, French toast, cinnamon sugar toast and then some.

"I don't know how you eat so much and stay this small" Itachi teased.

"Maybe it's cause I get off my lazy ass and train everyday after breakfast" I teased back.

"Where's Sasuke, still sleeping?"

"Yeah, he is. He fell asleep in my room watching a movie with me"

Eventually Sasuke woke up. We all ate breakfast together. Surprising, Sasuke didn't tell Itachi what happened. He was probably going to tell him when I was out training after breakfast. On the brightside. Itachi will know and I won't be questioned.

After breakfast, I went to my room, threw my dark long hair into a messy bun, pulled on my training gear and headed out to train. I met up with Sakura and we began sparing. I noticed movement in the bushes. I threw my kunai knife at it then

"Hey hey hey, let's not try to kill your friends."

"Suigetsu! What the hell!"

"It's okay, just wanted to see how my best friends training was going" he mused

"It was going good till a certain someone interrupted" Sakura said

"Actually, I came to see if you were okay, Katari"

"Who told you?"

"Deidara, he's pretty worried about you, he told me you ran off in tears" Suigetsu swiftly answered

"I'm fine," Sakura already knew the situation so she didn't question anything Suigetsu said to me.

"He likes you Kat, you may not see it but he does." Suigetsu said, smirking but he was serious, I know him enough to know when he's serious or kidding.

"I highly doubt-" I was cut off

"Are you kidding me? Do you see the way he looks at you!?" Sakura blurted out!

Blushing I said "I won't believe it till he says something"

"Now that you're single, he might" Sakura smiled at me.

"Alright, alright how about we continue the training?"


That's a wrap to chapter 3!

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