7 - What. Just. HAPPENED?

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Bri's POV
As I walk with Ban, he asks me a question that's hard for me to answer.

"So Bri, what's it like to take our places? It must be hard to fill our shoes, and be as cool as we are." He says with his signature smirk.

"Cool? You guys? That's the best joke I've ever heard, Ban!" I laughed. "Your job is literally just running, running, and then more running!" I continue sarcastically. Ban blinks at me. He's clearly shocked that I talked back to him, and I can tell he doesn't have a comeback.

"Uh...I mean, I didn't really do much running, since I let myself be captured. I still don't know what it's like to feel pain," Ban says, sounding a bit disappointed. "But, that's probably a good thing. No worries!" He then finishes cheerfully.

"Yea, you're LUCKY! The rest of us have to go through two types of pain, and you only have to deal with one." I say.

"...Welp, we're here." Ban says. I look up from the ground to see Elizabeth, Meliodas, Merlin, and...wait a second, where's Escanor?

"Hello, Bri. I can see from your expression that you're confused as to where Escanor is. We were actually hoping you could tell us, since we haven't seen him in quite a while now." Merlin states, going straight to business.

"How the hell would I know?" I say in reponse.

"We thought you may have seen him, since--"

Meliodas begins speaking, but I cut him off. "News flash! I don't know if you guys remember, but the last time we saw each other was 15 years ago. So why would Escanor pop up on our doorstep out of the blue?" I say sassily. Before they have a chance to answer, I continue, "You think we just visit you guys randomly, because we can? We have stuff to worry about ourselves, stuff that's more important than finding an ex-Sin. In case you don't remember, you guys passed that job onto me and my friends, so we're a BIT busy trying to fill YOUR shoes."

"Lady Brianna, why are you getting so worked up?" Elizabeth asks, her high voice full of worry.

"Because, you guys called us here, saying it was urgent, just so we can go on a search and rescue mission? No! You're strong enough and smart enough to do it yourselves!" I respond angrily.

Before they can react, I turn and stomp back towards my friends.

Anna's POV
"So, that's our adventure up until now!" I finish. I turn to the side, only to see Brianna coming out of the woods, clearly angry.

"Brianna whats wr-"

"We're leaving." Brianna snarls before I can finish.

"WHAT?! Why?!" We all shout similar protests.

"Because, as your leader," Brianna starts, turning around to face us. "I said so." Everyone looks at her, shocked and confused.

"Just because you're our leader, doesn't mean you can just give an order for us to leave people we haven't seen in years with no explanation!" Gem scoffs.

"EXACTLY! We haven't seen them in years, yet they want us to fix a problem they're perfectly capable of dealing with themselves!" Brianna says in response.

"Bri, Gem. I think we all need to ca-" Delaney tries saying. She stops abruptly at the glare Bri gives her, the one she uses when she wants us to stay out of something so we don't make it worse.

"You can leave for whatever reason you want to, bu I'M staying here. I'm not blindly complying this time! What if they really need our help?" Gem says, hands on her hips.

"You wanna know how I can tell they can fix it themselves? They just described the problem and I can tell. There are SIX of them, all perfectly capable of fixing this themselves. They DON'T need our help, so stay here if you want to but I am LEAVING." Bri snarls, stomping off down the hill.

Delaney's POV
"What just happened?" I ask. Everyone shrugs, at a loss for words.

"That is IT!" Gem yells, throwing her hands in the air and starting to head back the way Bri just came.

"Gem, you CAN'T go back there!" Diane warns.

Gem turns back around, and looks up at Diane. "Oh yea? Watch me." She snaps. Then she spins on her heel once more, and walks towards the Boar Hat.

ooooohhh DRAMA!! ok guys hope you like the cliff hanger. aight well. GOOD LUCK FRIENDS!

Bri OUT!

*~* Edited by Gem, only because it was late and I couldn't sleep *~*

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