Part 6 of 7

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The Sea water is glimmering under the blazing sun and the warm breeze is caressing his every exposed skin. Jongin was standing on the balcony of Chanyeol’s beach house, sweat trickling on the side of his neck. His sight was set on the group of males playing in the sand a little far away from the house. One of them is Kyungsoo, who Chanyeol insisted to take along with them. His eyebrows forms a knot on the middle as he sees how his taller friend casually rests his long arms around the smaller’s narrow shoulders. The cute little penguin was not happy when he dragged him with them but right now he think he’s enjoying so much.

Jongin can’t help but stare at Kyungsoo’s face which is more vibrant than the sun, with a smile that made his stomach churns a little. He wants to see him with more of those expressions. The arms that was on his servant’s shoulder are now purposefully crawling down his hips. Jongin groans and kick the table hard enough for the small pot above it to fall and breaks on the floor.

The rowdy males on the sand all turn their heads when they heard something broke. They see Jongin jumping up and down while holding his toes.

“Stupid” Kyungsoo laughs.

Chanyeol looks at Jongin again who is now getting his way towards them while glaring at them or more likely at him. He doesn’t know why the other is suddenly in a bad mood. Maybe it’s the weather, he thought but he notices that Jongin’s stare crawls from him to his arms and ends at the certain male beside him. He turns his head back to Kyungsoo and something clicks on his mind. Kyungsoo is certainly handsome so maybe, just maybe, it might something to do with the smaller male and just to be sure when Jongin is within their spot, he intentionally bends his head beside the other’s ears, lips brushing a little and arms pulling the smaller’s head even closer. The smaller is noticeably uncomfortable but the taller continues to do his ministration. He’s whispering something that makes the smaller laugh and nods his head.

Jongin tries to clumsily get a little near the two to eavesdrop but failed so, then he stands at the other side of the smaller. His giant friend is too clingy with his servant and he doesn’t like it at all. He’s itching to hit the long tentacle of the taller. Kyungsoo’s manly giggles distracts him from killing Chanyeol in his mind. “Sure” he hears the smaller say making his taller friend smiles widely and respond with “Cool, Then it’s a date!”

What do you mean date!? No! No date for them! I will not allow it. Jongin hits Chanyeol and shows how unpleased he is with whatever they were talking about. His eyes are glaring at the smaller “I don’t give my permission for you to go anywhere – ” and then turns it towards the giant, “ – with anyone!” making sure to make the other get his point.

“What are you saying?” Kyungsoo confusingly asks him.

Jongin wants to argue back but the smaller has been pulled by the other two males namely Luhan and Sehun near the water. Chanyeol was left with him, “Kyungsoo is really cute for a guy don’t you think?” he teasingly said.

“Yes he is and you are not allowed to touch or to get even an inch near him.” Jongin warns the other.

Chanyeol let out a loud laugh when he saw how pissed the other is and Jongin is never been this possessive before. “Do you think he will be up to have a one night with me?” he challenges the other again and the expression he’s giving him right now is incredibly amusing.

“How dare?” he scoffs and dangerously walks closer to the taller who stiffens when he saw Jongin’s dead serious face. He grabs the taller’s manhood hard, squeezing it and whispers deeply “Watch out for your precious stick if you don’t want to loose it.”

Chanyeol groans from pain and when Jongin releases him he grasps for air. He think that the tan man is crazy for Kyungsoo, never in their friendship did the other hurt him just because of those teasing. Before, when he did ask him things like that, Jongin will gladly introduce him to the person, that’s what he did to the other servants and friends from the club so now is really hilarious seeing him react like that. A few more minutes of thinking how his friend is obviously attracted to the smaller male, another loud laugh booms replacing the pain his feeling earlier.

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