The Road to Nowhere in Particular

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There are many subjects claiming of the Road to Nowhere, only those roads eventually lead somewhere, therefore making the title misleading, I suppose. For example, the one in the Great Smokey Mountains eventually places you somewhere. Other ancient trails once called the Road to Nowhere even play a role into my theory. However, this is not the point. I'm not telling you about the Road to Nowhere, I'm telling you about my travels down the Road to Nowhere in Particular.

Imagine a road that shoots through a town; made of selective square stones, all marking their own spaces on the ground. No vehicles of any shape or form roam the streets. The people here wear Middle Age clothing, and all of them are of over twenty years of age. A heavy mist occupies the whole area, yet refuses to set foot upon the ground. The atmosphere always has that lurking sense of doom, as if waiting for you to fall into its clutch.

The people of this town were never born here. No, they were all travelers, just like I, and they simply refused to leave, too euphoric and entranced. They never left, for they had no desire to. This town that the Road had created was a safe haven, absolutely nothing could get to them. They were immortal the second they decided to stay at the town of Perennial. Why would they leave?

A very different idea is said for another village, one known by the name of Vex to us travelers. This is one village you hope to God you not end up in. Vex is a maze, and I don't mean the easy-peasy ones one would often receive as a child on the kid's menu at a restaurant. Vex's maze contains obstacles so horrible one could never imagine; once you were in, it is most impossible to get out. You were stuck for good, no matter how much you wanted to leave, unless you made a deal.

There is one more village I wish to acquaint you with, however. This final village is known as Triple F by us, Far From Forlorn by all the wishful people who do not get all the uncertainty of travelling. Triple F is said to be the kindest place to end up when travelling. I should not know for certain, but sources say that once you're there, you find peace in the world. Funny, to me it sounds more like Nirvana or something of the sort. I have not had the pleasure to gaze upon Triple F's beauty, but maybe someday soon, if the Road allows it.  

It seems I've left questions arise between my audience and I, but no matter, you do not really want to know all the secrets of the Road. But if you are to know one thing, and you are to ever come upon the Road itself, I beg of you to ask yourself: are you full of doubt and uncertainty, are you peaceful and benevolent, do you rely upon other people, or are you angry and violent? Trust me when I say, if you decide to set foot upon the Road, you will receive whatever the Road has in mind for you. You could be stranded alone, just walking the road for all eternity. You could be blessed and travel straight for Triple F. You could be cursed to live forever in the maze of Vex. You could become immortal and join the others in the town of Perennial. Or you could end up in another village that I've yet to encounter in my travels. I do not know how many villages a man or woman may see during their travels. I myself, have only come to four, and have barely escaped the ones prior to my home now. I have had acquaintances that have been to only one village or town, and others who have travelled the road for many years alone, but who were once accompanied, and have seen many horrors and different sides of the Road.

I come to you now from the village of all villages. I come to you from the heaven of the Road, a kingdom known as EB, Eternal Bliss. I do not know if anyone will ever get the chance to read this warning, anyone outside of the Road to Nowhere in Particular, but I hope for this to eventually escape the Road and to lay upon the palms of a child or adult, one that has not yet made the faithful leap onto the Road. I wish you all the best of luck in life.

With the rest of my heart,

    Traveler 3785

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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