chapter 12

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Maya (POV)

who were those people. it seams like everyone knows who I am but why can´t I remember them. this is really getting on my nerves. when I got home they had cleaned up and I put the pizza on the table and sliced it. I took two pieces on a plate and went up to my room. I put out the clothes that I should have to school tomorrow. I decided to where my black skinny jeans a black shirt and a red leather jacket. I folded it together and put it in the bathroom. I ate my pizza and went to bed.

when my clock went of I thru it on the floor and it broke to pieces. I really hate to go up at the morning. I went in and took a shower and got dressed. when I saw the mess of the clock it was literally in almost million pieces. weird. I went downstairs Mila and Steven wasn´t home so I turned up A Day to Remember with the plot to bomb the panhandle on high volume and ate some cereals. even if the music was at the highest volume I could hear someone at the door. I went there and saw the three boys from yesterday trying to get in. I waited for them to get the door open .

" And to what do I own the pleasure to see you boys again" I said.

" music is to high for you to hear if someone even got shot." Stiles I think his name was said.

"oh well why did you try to break in anyway." I asked.


"you know what I don´t want to be late for my first day at school so next time you want to break in here I will shot first and ask questions it." with that I turned of the music and pushed them out and looked the door and went to my car. I put on All signs point to Lauderdale and drove of to school. when I got there I saw a black colored motorcycle on its way to a parking spot so I decided to take that one I drove faster and drifted around the corner of the house and parked perfectly in that spot. he looked pissed.

"Hey man get out of my spot"

I stepped out of the car and just looked at him.

"your name is not on it so shut up and take the next one you jerk." then I was on my way in to the school when I heard a crash. please tell me he didn´t please. I turned around and saw him standing by my car with a smirk on his face. he had broken my window on my beloved car. it is one thing to mess with me but my car that is not good. I went up to him and knocked my head against his and he fell to the ground in pain. I had no pain at all and now it was me standing there with a smirk.

"have a nice day lover boy" then I walked in to the school.

Scott (POV)

Derek wanted us to see if we could find something in the house that made her be like that. so we decided to break in the house to look. when Maya stood there inside the house waiting for us it felt weird like she had known that we where here. but she couldn't have it´s impossible.

"And to what do I own the pleasure to see you boys again" she said.

" music is to high for you to hear if someone even got shot" Stiles said.

"oh well why did you try to break in anyway" she said


"you know what. I don´t want to be late for my first day at school so next time you want to break in here.. I will shot first and ask questions it" then she pushed us out and she went to her car and drove of while she listened to rock.

we went to Stiles car and went to school when we got there Lydia helped Aiden up from the ground. what a hell. he was bleeding from his forehead.

"hey what happened" Stiles asked always curious. I was to.

"that new chick knocked me down because I crashed her window." He answered.

"why did you do that to the "chick". I asked.

" because she took my spot"

" and how come you are on the ground and not the new girl" Isaac asked.

"because she was stronger than me" he said before taking of with his arm around Lydias waist.

we walked in to school. I was thinking about it. how come Maya is stronger than Aiden it doesn't make any sense I know she is half angel but no one is stronger than an alpha.

"hey how come Maya is stronger than Aiden is doesn't make any sense. we know she has more strength than a human but not more than an alpha." I said.

"what are you talking about" Allison asked when she came.

"Maya" Stiles said.

"What about Maya" She asked

"she was stronger than Aiden" I said

"how do you know that"

"because she had knocked him down and he was on the ground and she was no where to be seen"

"how do you know that" she asked.

"He told us. and this morning we where trying to break in at her house and she was standing there waiting for us plus she had music on very very high volume."

"we talk to Derek after school okay come on we need to keep an eye on her.

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