chapter 13

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Scott (POV)

we went up to Danny and Ethan they where by his locker.

"hey Danny have you seen Maya" I asked

"yeah she was talking to Miss Blake two minutes ago then they took of I think."

"do you know which way they went" Isaac asked.

"yeah to the lacrosse field. why is everything okay"

"yeah everything is fine thanks Danny bye" Stiles said.


I called Derek.

"What I´m busy"

"to busy to talk about Maya"

"what about her" he asked.

" I think you should come to school"


"because she is with Jennifer and this morning at the parking lot she knocked Aiden down to the ground. we need to see if she really is stronger than an alpha." I said.

"Fine I´ll be right there."

we went to the lacrosse field and she was there beating the crap out of Jennifer. I went and took Maya away at the same time Derek came out from the woods. Maya calmed down. so I let her go. she then looked at Derek who also looked at her then she looked down like she was thinking. Then Maya put her hand on my forehead and I past out.

Maya (POV)

after Scott had fell to the grass I was scared how the hell did I just do that. it came like a reflex. and that man he looked familiar but I didn´t know from where. he went to attack me but then I saw the boy from the parking lot coming my way with full force. the man stopped to see what the boy was going to do. then I was almost pushed down to the grass because of the force he had but it didn´t happen I just stood there while he fell instead. the other looked like they where going to attack me but instead I went and grabbed Jennifer and all of a sudden I was in my basement with her.

What a heck. I tied Jennifer to a chair. I need to get rid of her she is sacrificing all this people. I turned around and took out a machete and right after I had cut her head of the door burst open to relive the Alpha pack. they looked pissed and Kali was really going to whoop my ass. she went to attack but I pushed her up against the wall while I had Deucalion in a tight grip around his throat.

"I wouldn´t do that if I were you" I said knowing that the twins where behind me ready to attack. they had morphed in to one giant werewolf.

"we´re going to kill you" they said.

"yeah? really because if you do that I will first kill Kali for almost killing Steven and then I will kill little Deuc over here for almost killing an alpha for no reason. yeah that´s right you don´t think I would find out about what you are doing in this town. in fact we came here to get rid of you and now it looks like that´s happening. am I right or am I right." I told them.

the twins didn´t listened they where going to attack so I killed Kali like I promised and then Deucalion. I turned around to face the twins they had morphed back and looked terrified and took of. probably somewhere they think I won´t find them.

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