Dress up?!

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Magnus: okay I dare you to dress like...*looks around* Clary for the rest of the game!

Everyone except Izzy & Clary: 😂

Izzy & Clary: WHAT?!?!

Izzy: I have to dress like her?!

Magnus: yup!

Izzy: b-but she has no sense of style!

Clary: hey!

Jace: hays for horses

Everyone except Clary:😂

Clary: 😠

Alec: Izzy just do the dare already!

Izzy: Fine! Clary lets go to your room!

5 mins later

Clary: I'm back, Izzy said she's just grabbing something from her room, oh I think that's her!

Izzy comes in wearing some sweat pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a orange/red wig!

Everyone except Izzy: 😂😂😂😂

Clary: okay I do not look like that!

Izzy: well if it wasn't fashionable then it mine as well be funny!

Simon: Okay I think we can all agree this is the best dare yet!

Luke: yeah probably!

Alec: okay can we please move on now?

Izzy: Alec stop being such a stick in the mud! But fine, Luke truth or dare?

See didn't I tell you there was going to be another chapter today!?

Anyway... thanks again to iIoveshadowhunters34 for helping me come up with this dare!

Hope you had/have a great night/day!


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