G.O.O.D. vs E.V.I.L. - Epilogue

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Ten years later

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Ten years later...

Far out in space, in the shiny new quarters of the High Command of Galactic Overlords, Operational Division, Dorilys, the agent on duty in the Secret Communications centre, was contemplating taking advantage of a dull shift to have a peaceful snooze.

This was supposed to have been her day off. She'd been looking forward to immersing herself in the latest holovid episode of Survivor Darkside and to be honest, she'd been more than a little pissed when Anika, her boss, had told her the day off was cancelled. Apparently Anika needed Kraig, the scheduled operator, to go out on a live mission. Yeah, right! A mission.

Kraig was young and handsome, his dark hair just a little too long, and—more impressively—he could crack spacenuts with those rippling abs. Most of the female agents had tried their hand at seducing him, even though, technically, there was a zero fraternisation policy on the space station. And now he was in Anika's personal quarters, being "briefed" for the mission. Hardly professional behaviour for the current Operational Division Sub-Commander of G.O.O.D.! Didn't Anika realise how much she was sabotaging her position?

Reluctantly, Dorilys put aside all thought of a quick nap. She had a job to do and she could hardly have a better opportunity. Leaving the cubicle, Dorilys walked confidently along the corridors toward Anika's quarters. She stopped outside the entrance door and called through the communicator, "I have an urgent communication which needs your signature, Anika. It won't take long."

"Wait a minute," Anika answered, rather breathlessly. A moment later, she opened the door and reached for the message. But instead of a comms unit, Dorilys held a laser gun. She stepped forward, crowding Anika back into the living room and shot her in the chest before Anika could open her mouth to ask "why?"

Quickly, Dorilys turned the body so that it faced back toward the sleeping room door, then she reached up and set the code to activate the living room's defensive red-laser tripwires.

"Anika? Is everything all right?" She heard Kraig's questioning tones coming from the sleeping room as she left, closing the door behind her. Then she heard nothing, nothing at all.

A terrible accident? Or another murder suicide? Sad, but unfortunately not a rare occurrence in these troubled times.

Back in the Communication's cubicle, Dorilys sat down and took a hefty swig of water. Shame about Kraig, but killing Anika had been easier than she'd thought. When Dorilys had been recruited by an agent from Eternal Vengeance, Interstellar Liaisons, a year ago, she'd known there must be another E.V.I.L. agent but she had never been told who. Until very recently.

Not only had Anika had switched sides once too often, but her recent behaviour had made her a liability for everyone and E.V.I.L. decided it was time to cut their losses.

After all, Anika had had it coming.

(Author's Note - Challenge was to continue the previous story... ten years later. Word limit - no more than 500 words)

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