Chapter 5

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Konohamaru couldn't believe his eyes. They stood at the entrance of a cave in a rocky terrain with tall mountains with trees on them and buildings large on the trees that were connected with bridges. "Is this the village?" Inori asked, awe stricken. "No. These are the stations where our ninjas watch out for danger or any tsunamis." Ame answered. Konohamaru looked past the small mountains and saw a area that was green with vegetation. "The village is in the center of the island and it will take us about two days to get there." Miho said in a chirpy tone. "Two days?!" Okami exclaimed, "I thought that we would be at the village tonight!"
"If it takes two days to get to the village then why did it take less time for you two?" Chozo asked. "Miho and I are summonings so we were able to use the seals our Kage made for us to teleport to the great nations." Ame said lazily while scratching the back of his head.

Miho started to run around in circles and chirped, "Hurry up! Let's go, go, go!"
"She's right. It's best that we go know so we won't waste any time." Konohamaru agreed. They followed the hyper, red vixen towards the direction east; the genin were unfazed by the many, watchful eyes of the unknown ninja in the trees. Konohamaru's eyes landed on a small, shadowy figure who was watching him with piercing green eyes. The figure vanished and Konohamaru was left alone in his thoughts of the mysterious person.

[Seven Hours Later...]

"Are we there yet?" Okami asked for the hundredth time. Everyone, including Ame and Miho, wanted to strangle the Inuzuka, but Kiyomaru was standing close to his friend and his size alone stopped them from attacking Okami. "Not yet," Ame growled through clenched jaws. "The sun is setting and there's a river up ahead. We should rest for know, Ame." Miho murmured to the bristling fox. Ame sighed as the fur on his back lied flat on his and nodded his head.

They stopped at the river Miho mentioned and made a campfire to cook couple of rabbits Kiyomaru caught. When the rabbits were done, everyone started to devour their meal. "Is there anything we need to know before we get to the village?" Shika asked in a serious tone. Everyone stopped eating and all eyes were on the two fox summonings. "Yes. Our Kage was a former ninja of the Hidden Leaf and most of the ninjas in our village are descendants of the Uzumaki clan." Ame said lazily, "Some are descendants of another clan who were nearly wiped out during the first war."
"Which clan?" Inori asked with interest.
"The Ametsuchi Clan. It possessed an extremely rare Dōjutsu that it was rare for any of the clan members to awaken it." Miho spoke in a serious, and yet in a perky way. "Why is it so rare?" Isamu asked with questionable eyes. "Because it is believed to predict the future, but it's just that's just a legend and not much is known about it." Ame answered. Konohamaru was intrigued by the new clan, but Ame suggested to sleep for the night to wake up at dawn. Everyone was asleep except for Konohamaru as he stared at the starry night sky and whispered, "I wonder what my new home will be like,"
His eyes slowly closed and drifted of to sleep as he dreamt of his late grandfather and missing big brother.


[Authors Note]

I'm sorry that this chapter wasn't so good and short. I've been looking for an image of the village and the new Dōjutsu. It took me a while for the name, ability, history, etc. It's probably gonna take me the same amount of time to write the next chapter or more. Again, I deeply apologize for this chapter, I'll try to make the next one better.

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